I have a burning question: are there multiple endings to this game? I have been playing this game probably a cumulative 10+ hours (mostly due to lost progress and returning to old saves, but that's another matter) and I thought I had completed basically everything, so I don't know if I missed something or if there's only one possible ending.
As for the game itself, I will just say that I have gotten very emotionally invested in this little town of Caprese, its history, and its inhabitants. There's so many little clever collectibles, interactions, and trigger-able events to uncover. I was never bored when walking around, not even when I re-explored every single area multiple times, because I would be finding new things that I'd overlooked before or come across new character dialogues. The hangout system was such a great one by the way. It made every day unique. Sometimes it'd be a little annoying when I planned to explore a dungeon that a character I was hanging out with wouldn't let me venture into, but mechanics-wise I did appreciate it for how it solidly linked each dungeon with a character and ensured no dungeons would be overlooked.
So on that note, if there's a different, "happy" ending available or something I missed which would lead to one, I will happily replay the game from scratch to get it.