Definitely an interesting twist on the moving dice puzzle games throughout the jam. Rather than having the level be a puzzle, the movement is a puzzle, sort of. While also being a very skill based challenge. Which is an interesting combo to be honest.
There's a also definitely some nice level twists like adding the ability to jump and the forcing you to use it to fly over gaps. Or go through a blind tunnel near the end. Where it just rips away all the info you've been give and see what you can manage.
It's also quite fun to see how far you can manage to fly with the jumping com boing with some pretty speedy movement. Leads to some very cool speedrun strats as well it seems, which is always q2uite interesting to see.
The only real nitpick I think I'd have is the visual indicators of the dice sides, which to be fair, seem to be there more as an extra helper in case. But at the moment they're relatively hidden in some terrain, or just downright invisible it feels like at times. Which with the perspective can definitely make it a little hard to find stuff. Though the perspective is an issue, at least sometimes, on it's own. But it does come with it's perks for sure.
Overall though for a 48 hour jam this was a pretty well done thing. Some nice maps, a good controller and some interesting speedrun strats already. Not the kind of thing you expect from a jam but definitely an interesting one.