Glad to hear my previous comment was helpful!
I’ve been thinking about just taking them out and replacing with a similar type of attacking
I’m not entirely sure what you’re saying. Taking out the melee classes and replace them with classes more similar to the ranged ones?
I personally really enjoyed the melee classes. Or at least enjoyed the fact there were ranged and melee classes and they behaved so differently since it adds a lot to the replay value.
Or are you describing giving a melee-type attack to all classes, including ranged ones?
This could be more interesting, but I still think my gut instinct is that dedicated melee classes are more fun.
Random thought, if you want to spice up the regular gameplay with more abilities on the base spacecraft, you could do something like a “special” attack with a cooldown that differs by class (e.g. throws a bomb, triples fire rate for a few seconds, makes a black hole that bunches the enemies together).