Quick & Clean TLDR First Impressions:
-Please provide a way for me to permanently mute the 'battle voices' during combat. They are the most annoying thing ever. Drove me insane in Freedom Planet (which is why I still haven't purchased it).
-Animations seem a bit stiff/plain. Hopefully can be improved over time alongside other graphical improvements like spell-effects.
-I got a Water Anima spell but there didn't seem to be a way to swap spells out or let me actually see what it did. Was a bit disappointed by that.
-Scrolling and screen transitions are jarring and unpolished. Hoping this is improved in future versions.
-Please consider a toggle to disable screen shake as well as 'outline enemies' like the ones that hide in the corners behind the huge UI stuff. Would love to be able to hide the UI or parts of the UI or resize it if possible. Perhaps even have the UI dynamically resize itself based on resolution.