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(1 edit) (+5)

Well, this game is certainly something. Below is my short review of different aspects of the game. The review is my perception of the game, and may be different to anyone else's views.

Let's start with the writing and story. The story itself is somewhat generic, though I do not find it to be much of an issue considering that this is supposed to be a silly horny VN. The writing as some noted isn't perfect, though most of the spelling mistakes aren't detrimental to the story, just something that catches your eye.

The characters. They are amazing. From the design and personality standpoint my favorite is Tate, though Aiden himself isn't the worst looking, nor the most basic of characters, and I enjoyed his route. The bulky wolf (whatever his name is) is somewhat forgettable in the demo as you don't really interract with him a whole lot. As a sidenote the player character is an absolute cutie.

The art. As I said before the characters are very unique in design and personality, which is a feat since it feels like every month we get new VNs with similar premises to this one. The differentiating feature of this VN is deffinitely the art. The emotions are portrayed by the sprites quite well, and overall the scenes look good. 

To sum up my opinion (which isn't probably worth a whole lot tbh) this VN has a lot more potential that majority of stuff on this site. I'd place it on the same level as dawn chorus in its overall quality (Dawn chorus is also an amazing VN, check it out). I am truly excited to see where the development will lead, and how it will progress. If I could voice my wishes for future updates it would be a Tate route, and perhaps a route for the wolf, just so the playerbase could get a better understanding of the characters.

edit; To clarify my last point, I mean as in all the characters will get a chapter 1 route before anyone of them progresses into chapter 2. Allowing players to get more personal with characters would allow the dev(s) to better see whom the playerbase wants to see more.

Overall rating;



Hi, thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed review, I'm glad you like the art and everything ^^ The game was supposed to be a 20-30 minute play at first, with a very fast paced and simple story that focuses only on the nsfw aspect, then I added more to the story, more characters etc. and decided to just make a more serious game, so I definitely get the generic part. 

As for characters, rest assure that the main ones will get their path completed before chapter 2, in fact, on my patreon you can even vote on who's path I focus on next!