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A member registered Oct 25, 2019

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If you are so good at making games, make one yourself.

This isn't a game, it's a visual novel, different things. Where games do have some player input, visual novels are pretty much like books, as the name states.

Also I find it comical that you are bitching about a VN with a gay overly endowed fox, like go find something less dumb to complain about.

For you, the smartest thing is just not to continue responding. Every comment you just make youself look dumber and dumber.

Also for Todd, do not take this clown seriously.

edit, to clarify because Im concerned with you comprehension of basic concepts. Visual novels and text based games are different things. There are some visual novels that have some choices, but it is not a standart. Visual novels are meant to be linear, whereas games are mostly nonlinear, or have the player control a character via inputs.

Can someone spoil to me what happened to mikko? Did he go for someone else in his update, or did he get sad because MC went with torulf in the public update?

I really don't wanna play next update if the first one is true, Mikko is my favorite character by far.

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Well, this game is certainly something. Below is my short review of different aspects of the game. The review is my perception of the game, and may be different to anyone else's views.

Let's start with the writing and story. The story itself is somewhat generic, though I do not find it to be much of an issue considering that this is supposed to be a silly horny VN. The writing as some noted isn't perfect, though most of the spelling mistakes aren't detrimental to the story, just something that catches your eye.

The characters. They are amazing. From the design and personality standpoint my favorite is Tate, though Aiden himself isn't the worst looking, nor the most basic of characters, and I enjoyed his route. The bulky wolf (whatever his name is) is somewhat forgettable in the demo as you don't really interract with him a whole lot. As a sidenote the player character is an absolute cutie.

The art. As I said before the characters are very unique in design and personality, which is a feat since it feels like every month we get new VNs with similar premises to this one. The differentiating feature of this VN is deffinitely the art. The emotions are portrayed by the sprites quite well, and overall the scenes look good. 

To sum up my opinion (which isn't probably worth a whole lot tbh) this VN has a lot more potential that majority of stuff on this site. I'd place it on the same level as dawn chorus in its overall quality (Dawn chorus is also an amazing VN, check it out). I am truly excited to see where the development will lead, and how it will progress. If I could voice my wishes for future updates it would be a Tate route, and perhaps a route for the wolf, just so the playerbase could get a better understanding of the characters.

edit; To clarify my last point, I mean as in all the characters will get a chapter 1 route before anyone of them progresses into chapter 2. Allowing players to get more personal with characters would allow the dev(s) to better see whom the playerbase wants to see more.

Overall rating;


This game is absolutely outstanding. I love both the romance and the horror elements, but more sensitive people should be warned that this game does get quite gore-y and disturbing pretty fast. 

The horror really does set this game apart.

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You madmen actually did it. You made Mikko cuter and his route even more wholesome. This was the first time with any VN that I felt sad when I saw the "end of route" text pop up. 

I can't express how high quality this game is. The art, the music, everything. 

I absolutely love the humor in this VN. Also artstyle is amazing and Luke is a cutie.

Hyper tends to be a hit and a miss for me, but good lord does the wholesomness of this game make it appealing, besides the hyper part isn't that extreme to begin with.

I love Todd (Name means male fox for those uninformed) he is a cutie and has way more personality than most characters in these types of games.

I was wondering though, what direction will this game take, will it be a VN or a dating sim, or will it be something more sandbox?

May I point out that in Leandros and Ramos route you meet Jorgen, or Jaws as he likes to be called (More prominent in Leon route)

The shark is described as being "ugly" and "scary" even though he looks like the biggest hunk of them all. Dude is handsome, and I find it funny the game ignores it.

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After playing every single route, and even replaying some of them, I can comfortably say that this is the best VN on this website. Period.

Characters are all loveable and likeable in their own ways, the artstyle of the characters is pleasant, and all the scenes look amazing. Additionally all characters are extremely well polished and likeable in their own sense. 

Language is good, and the writing is beyond what most novels do. It's very well flowing and I enjoyed the little details where human body parts are replaced by their animal counterparts, i.e. hands-paws and so on.

Sound design is also phenomenal. The music is atmospheric and fits the scenes extremely well. 

All in all, as I said, the best VN I have ever played. 5 stars and gimme that next Rune update.

comment written at 3 a.m so just bear with me repeating some things

As a russian that lives in finland, that also had a childhood friend named Mikko, I had some paranoia when I started this game. 

Honestly, this game is amazing, and I love the cutesy artstyle and storytelling. Really no complaints so far, english is also impecable but it just seems that scandinavian people in general have amazing english.

Before giving any critique, I want to say that this is probably one of my favorite visual novels ever, and has some amazing potential. Alas, I want to give some critique due to the fact that I want this to be better. Art is really nice and cute, and visual element is pretty much perfect. 

Now the writing is where I have a few nitpicks. There are some spelling mistakes, they don't distract from the story but I would like to see them ironed out at some point. 

Pacing is weird, like how the first two days are more or less complete, and then the following week or so passes in a few sentences, there are some obvious time skips when the writer wants to progress things, which feel out of place. I would hope for smoother or more subtle transitions in the future.

Lyall is my precious cute wolfman, but he feels somewhat two-dimensional, with some clear inspiration being taken from characters of similar games like FBTW and Adastra. I am not saying that he is a boring or a cookie-cutter character, but I would love to see some more development to his personality in the future.

With all that being said, I want to reiterate that these two points are subjective, and others might disagree. My point is to give some critisism towards areas that I myself find lacking, and not to just say this for the sake of being mean.

Atmac, this is an amazing game, with more potential than the counterparts I compared it to. I really want to say that I appreciate what you have done so far, and I hope you will turn this into something amazing. 

5 stars.

Shun looks less like a minor, which I actually like more, and find way cuter than the possibly-8-year-old version in og morenatsu. At the same time everyone has a right to have an opinion, so if you find the old shun cuter, good for you ^^

I really appreciate the art style and character changes, compared to the original Morenatsu. Most notable are Shin and Shun. Shin has a more refined design, and his personality is somewhat more fitting than in the original game. Shun was a cute character in the original game, but looked and acted like a kid, so I really love his new more mature design and personality, and creators still kept everything about him that made Shun - Shun. 

Also, the protagonist being a furry is a welcome change,

Either way this has to be one of the best Furry VNs I've ever played.

Ohhh boy. 

I don't comment or even follow creators often, but this game is an exception. 

The characters are very unique but not centered about being a certain personality trait. (so even though each character is excaderated a tad bit, they still feel like real "people" if that makes sense).

The decisions feel like real decisions you would have to make.

Keep on rolling!

You are critisizing the game for what it is meant to be. Its like saying that you dislike lemons because they are sour.

This is literally a game about weight gain, if you don't like it don't play it ffs. 

I personally dislike weight gain as well, but what pulled me in were both options for weight loss and the characters themselves. I absolutely love how unique each character is. 

So, do not hate on a game for not being your cup of tea. Try to find something else or enjoy other aspects of it. 

Ziul put a lot of work into  this game, and I really appreciate it. 

I love this game! Your art style is fantastic and I absolutely adore Ranok :3. 

Can't wait to see more of that cute wolf!

This is cringy

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I absolutely love this game! Even though weight gain is not something I am into I still love playing it since I can go with the "fit" route. 

The art style is really cute and I love it and every character is loveable in his own way, though my personal fave is Legan. I'm really excited for the next few updates since one of them has a chance to have a "special" scene with him. Ziul is also a cutie :3

Overall the game is amazing and the grammar is top notch. I was actually surprised with how good it was. 

I truly hope that this game will be finished since it has probably the most potential on this site.

(I like how creator (presumably) added himself as a dateable character with the same name)

This was a great demo of the things to come. The artstyle is cute and the storyline seems to have a good begining.

Only downside in my opinion is the quite plain looking enviroment when roaming around and plethora of spelling mistakes. They throw you off but you can read through them.


also died like 20 times so yeah