Couldn’t finish the boss battle as it did not restart more than once
Use physical keys in ProjectSettings > Input (if you’re using InputSystem this should not be needed). This makes it so players with different keyboards can play too (not QWERTY)
Can only attack to the right, please fix this
shop points work weird, you should save the amount on level start, restore it on death, and allow store only when fight is over. Right now if I enter a fight with 5 points and get killed I lose it all. But I can also kill 3 enemies, get an upgrade, dies to the last enemy and repeat.
buttons are way too small (change canvas to scale with screen size)
boss does not feel as you, except the sprite
Good music, need some sfx for the attacks / hurt sounds/ shop
Post effect is ok on the scene, too much on the buttons (maybe due to the scaling down)