Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked it :) It is weird, the timer should be starting after the voice actually ended, I will try and look into it
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Thank you for your comment!
I didn’t realize vibatiinooos did not work on the webgl build, I will add a comment in the game description 👍
I do think the best way to add fun to the game would be via more timings and better voices, which would be my priority if I did have more time to expand on it :)
Also I did plan on doing a summary of the game, every player has a name with a french pun based on the animal and behind that black background there is some text displaying information about the ongoing game, but did not manage to clean it enough to use it in time for the jam end.
Thank you, glad you liked the concept :) The curent state is really not that clean so it is actually not that easy to understand evrything during gameplay.
You did get a meow sound before starting the game, so when you pressed your south button after the timer announcement, you should get a new meow sound, though AI could validate at the same time as you and the sounds can be unclear. There is also a win/defeat sound at the end of each round to know the result of the round.
Last thing if you try it again, player nimals are randomized so you may noot get the cat next time (chicken and frog’s win/defeat sounds are less clear than cat and dog’s)
That’s a great point! The chicken and frog losing sounds especially are less easy to hear, even more when multiple players lose att the same round.
For the rank I would have needed tto use some kind of TTS or limit the number of players to have a reasonable number of voicelines to do that
And even then it would only work correctly whhen playing alone. Fun fact every animal have a list of french puns as possible names because I originally thought about doing some kind of ranking.
Nice game overall with great foundations, loved having the sound library to know before the fact what any sound means. Could use some music or background sfx when the game starts.
Another minor thing is that you have a score for the seeing players but hide it in the game over page (and don’t give it to the blind player also)
Loved the quantity of accessability options 👍
I saw the gifs on the page and was like “ohhh I’m gonna like this one!” and it didn’t miss!
I love anything timing / rhythm related and was greatly surprised by this game.
Every enemy brings something new, unique and fun!
The only down point is that the recordings for the directions are not easy to understand (the speech voice have a lot of noise but can be understood, you may want to try and remove background noise in audacity if you use it, just learned to do it in 2 minutes). Though you sound like you had fun recording your voicelines which is a bliss to listen to!
Also did not expect to have the progression saved in the webgl build :D
Thanks, you really summarized my whole jam experience: make the best of the time available to have a game as simple as possible to understand and extend on the blind players support with audio as much as possible
Happy you had fun playing it, and please tell me how it turned out if you manage to get people to play multiplayer together :D
Thank you, glad you liked the game :)
I tried to put the maximum of instructions in the game description rather than in game to have the game flow as clean as possible (which did not turn out as clean as I wanted in the end :D )
Also would have loved to spend moore time on it to polish it, especially the voice recordings that got me very self conscious xD
Sooo … what just happened xD
I got ran over when crossing the street and I wake up in the castle, thinking I was supposed to lose the frogger game (since I played blindfolded), but then not really, it just sends me back to the menu and now thee game switches between spooky story and basically wario ware games (which I really love btw).
Really confusing ambiance, but was fun to play when I looked back at the screen (and what a screen :o)
That being said, I think the text reader support / audio cues do not seem enough for the frogger and pokemon like game
Amazing visuals, but that’s not the point of this jam
Edit : would love a web build for jam games, always better when possible
I think there is quite a lot of information for a screen reader, the game is fun but really needs perseverance/10 to be played without screen.
Though, the colors choice seems to create nice contrast most of the time for players with lower vision.
Regarding the game itself, it was fun and had really good mechanics with the various dice abilities when you get and destroy them.
Sound design was really good too!
As for most other games I tried going blind, which was not perfect but ended up working.
One issue I had is that numbers were not really spoken so it took some time to understand what the weird sounds I had meant.
But when I got it, the game went quite smoothly, except my smooth brain reaching capacity way too fast :D
The controls work but they are not very practical to use, maybe change the cell selection to left/right and number assignment to a toggle like spacebar to switch between unassigned/0/1 for example. This also allows for easier gamepad support.
This game ended up being more fun than I expected actually.
This was amazing, I need more of this one! Hope the team member gets better fast so you can extend on this game.
The voice acting (and sound design in general) was insane, I had this huge smile during the whole (unfortunately too short) gameplay :D
One thing though : I don’t think you can do anything while waiting for the coffee to fill, maybe be able to prepare the next drink or maybe chat with the customers as suggested during the tutorial
Anyway reaaaaaally loved this and hope to get more content <3
I tried playing it blind first, but quickly realised it wouldn’t make much sense between the FPS controls and lack of available informations.
Replaying it seeing the screen made more sense but was still a bit confusing. I think you may have misunderstood the theme as “the character is blind” instead of “the game should be playable by a blind human player”
Still, there were some nice ideas such as the scan which could be used to change the game back into the theme.
Loved this one, the idea was really nice, and the voice acting is amazing :)
I did have some struggles with the stereo where I couldn’t tell the ally positions from front left, front or front right, or the targeting system, they all sounded the same. But seeing the comments, I guess this was a me problem.
Great entry!
I’m bad enough at RTS games in general that playing it with my eyes opened was already hard for me :D
Though, the game is very similar to mushroom wars, which is a recipe for success. I just don’t get how talented you must be to play it while waiting for sound infomation to get to you (what I mean is a huge kudos to blind gamers, you really have it on hard mode ++)
I tried using windows narrator, which did not work at all for me, maybe you could have added more voice over since you started having your story told by voice (great voicing by the way :) ) though that’s a lot of work to add.
Still liked getting my ass kicked :D
This one was fun!
Nice touch adding support for different keyboard patterns (though my AZERTY keyboard was working as a QWERTY keyboard there somehow) and navigating the (in depth) settings menu with windows narrator enabled was quite a pain (though I am not used to it so it can be the reason why).
The game itself is a really good idea and fun to play, I would just want a better difference between the actual target cell and its closests in the same row.
Last thing, I could not restart a round and had to reload the page after every game
I did not go far into the game, but I think it is more because of a setting problem on my side. I could not manage to get the windows narrator to use the english voice, which totally killed the mood.
I had a great laugh hearing French Hortense trying to speak english words though. I will say frrom what I saw here were moments with unsettling sounds thaat really got me anxious, good work on the sounds.
Nice entry, I played it blind and must say the mental mapping is really hard when you have no sense of how much you moved.
Or you have to slow down your play a lot to make sure you dont make two moves with one input, adding a stepping sound could help with that.
Also, as stated by others, the game is really punishing, maybe adding a sound to know when you are close to kill cell or just returning to the start of the level instead of start of game could help.
Other than that, nice game, I replayed it with eyes open to see the level design, the long 1 cell runways are a good idea, I got lost at was happening there!
Thanks a lot for the comment, glad you liked it :) I only took time to have 10, 15 & 20 seconds timers but this could easily be expanded (just need to record more of my voice :D or add some text to speech component somehow ) Regarding human players, I do want to clarify that multiplayer is only for local multiplayer (i.e. multiple controllers connected to your computer)
Lots of newcomers for this game jam, welcome 😊
For a first game this is really well done, good job!
One thing you could fix is the bonus appear as selectable immediately when the round ends, and since the player spams the mouse, you end up getting a random upgrade. Just disable the button for a second after the bonus text appears for example 😉
Got to 174, but no gamepad available to use, I may try harder later!
I LOVE the leaderboard I find it really gives the “just one more game” I love (I used to do leaderboards but Playfab seems broken now for me)
The game is simple and really fun, here are a few tips of improvements : -For pixel art assets, you should disable the bilinear filtering in the assets import settings, it would prevent the blurry skeletons 😉 -Add mouse support for aiming, lots of people have controlle, but almost 100% of the itch players (except on mobile) have a mouse -Check the shape and size of the characters colliders, I often dragged ennemies when not even touching them (I assume it is the players collider that is too big since enemies seem to evade the needle easily) -Add a cooldown for the damage noise to prevent the weird noise from repeating every frame
Great submission!
Ok I see what you tried doing here and I love it 😉 I see it’s your first game so good job for that, welcome to gamedev 👍 !
The needles need a minimum of impact (1200% of 0 is still 0 :D ) otherwise you can just shoot eachother and nothing happens. Loved that the teleport works on all directions so you can have litteral dragon ball fights!
Local multiplayer is a great idea, it can make really fun games! Keep on going!
Best submission I’ve seen so far, I won’t repeat what everybody said but really great job overall.
The cute / killing spree contrast is really cool, but in the end I don’t really feel the necromancy as a theme for the game (pretty much the only “negative” thing I will have to say about it)
(Also could not find that blue shirt xD)
Really good level design, I love the fact you have to go back in the previous levels in reverse!
Overall great grame and polish all around!
Will say I think I managed to softlock my run at the end of the second part (first run where you have gold skulls to collect), are you supposed to keep a needle from the previous to last room to progress to the exit? No button and needle is inaccessible when returning
Oh god! First screen I was like “yeah stacking limbs together, I did that too” but, man was I not ready for the flesh cart when I finally understood what to do.
I spent 10 minutes laughing at my flat brains in the 3rd level and could not for the love of me get past that damned stairs but that was a lot of fun! Remembered me of playing QWOP (for the older gamers out there :D )
Did not expect to have this much fun! Must say I was impressed on the main menu quality, is it premade with your engine? The fact you have to wait for the skulls to move and the timer is too short to take every points make the tension so high!
Great entry! Although, I will say I’m not a fan of the controls (or is it impossible to have international WASD movement?)
Just pushed a windows build which (should) not have this out of bounds error, also fixed the tutorial from stopping in the first room
The new webgl version should also fix the screen cropping (hopefully, if you can give feedback 👍)
Regarding the sound, we were supposed to have somebody for this but ended up not delivering, and we had no time to do it ourself unfortunately
Thank you for the feedback, glad you had fun :)
Do you mean you moved the body part over the inventory and so it was inacessible? That’s an issue we didn’t think of :D
Yeah these out of bounds error only happens in the webgl version and hard to track with the JS obfuscation :/ I should push a PC build
Thanks a lot!
For jams, a web version is a real plus, , tried the windows build, first comment I have is please support different keyboard layouts (I don’t know how gamemaker manages it but at least add arrows then.
I had one projectile ennemy who ended my first run and on next runs I went through lots of floors without any ennemy.
Also, maybe find a way to generate your floors faster or while the level is playing to shorten loading times ;)