Thanks Liam !
Well i did get a bit of a workflow down since i started a few years back, so some things i learned how to do a bit faster, this particular time i managed to learn a tiny bit about shaders, to be able to code a small palette shader for the jam, so this helped me save a lot of time compared to last time where all my Mechs were recolored in Gimp and rendered as their own sprite sheets o_o, also this time there's also a lot of sprite recycling... so much recycling :p
Yeah i've always liked the genesis and the energy in some of its games, and since i found a nice VST that could do decent genesis instruments in LMMS i've started using it a bit more often ^^ Though i must admit i didn't have Shadow dancer in mind when i made these tracks haha.
Levels were made a bit hastily and randomly, if you're curious i've explained a bit of the "process" to a fellow jammer who asked, plus i'm not that good at level design i've seen that along jams, though this time i still consider a personal victory that i managed to make a non convoluted and confusing level :p and a bit of the same for bosses, i haven't found a whole lot of good ways to make patterns that wouldn't require a lot of code and time so i've stiched some basic stuff together and made only one here for time's sake, and relied on the fact that i made a weapon system where i could just easily change the weapon even if the boss was the same, so pretty bad, but i rolled with it for the jam ^^'
Happy that you like the character choice, i've been having these rosters in a few past games and i always throw a few furs in there :)