Thanks for the reply. For some reason I thought the guide was the same as the online gameplay basics. D'uh Doy. It was exactly what I was looking for. Even better that I remember. If you could clarify a couple points. Both characters and altars have alignments right? Does using an opposite aligned altar piss off your god? Does it effect the outcome? Bless or curse items? I had an evil character drop 4 things on a good altar and they were all cursed. Just bad luck or effect? Also, is being aligned good like the a virtue system? Good characters get bad karma from attacking things w/o provocation?
I really like this world you've created. It feels lived in/populated in a way that I haven't found in other RL's. As for the thief question. I played a human thief and he couldn't read. I had just assumed since humans are very resourceful that they would/should be able to read. Just food for thought. Thanks again for your reply.