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Shadow of the Wyrm

Traditional roguelike in the style of ADOM and Omega · By Julian Day

A few questions about SotW

A topic by Tiroq created Dec 26, 2018 Views: 2,287 Replies: 5
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Hey, I really like your game. I tried it a few years ago and am back. I vaguely remember there was a PDF manual but I can't find it now and the wiki is minimal to say the least. The world you've created is pretty awesome and the game play seems really solid. You had me at Omega. I read the gameplay basics and have played RL's for 20 years but would appreciate a little help so I don't have to spend hours and hours playing only to find out I chose the wrong deity in the first 30 seconds. 

How do altars work? How do you find out if things are cursed? How can you uncurse items esp. if you can't read. Do deities really affect the game? How can you figure out what pleases them? Which are the best generic type good/evil deities that would help the most and hurt the least.  Are Shiver and Urgoth easy?  And what is the key stats for witchlings.  And finally, why can't thieves read?

Thanks. I know this is a lot to ask but it would really help me and I'd be glad to help with and bugs I find. Thanks again.


Hi! There should be a manual in the docs folder.

As for altars, you sacrifice items on them. Generally corpses, but other valuable items should work too. I'm pretty sure you can identify by dropping items on altars. If you're illiterate, praying might uncurse any cursed items you've got equipped.

There's not a lot of differences between the deities right now. They're underdeveloped, and a long way from eg DCSS. Key stats for witchlings are I think int/will/cha, and the Magic skill as well as Primordial and Cantrips.

Thieves don't start with Literacy. Some races do, so if you play a thief of one of those races, you should be good.

Thanks for the reply. For some reason I thought the guide was the same as the online gameplay basics. D'uh Doy. It was exactly what I was looking for. Even better that I remember. If you could clarify a couple points. Both characters and altars have alignments right? Does using an opposite aligned altar piss off your god? Does it effect the outcome? Bless or curse items? I had an evil character drop 4 things on a good altar and they were all cursed. Just bad luck or effect? Also, is being aligned good like the a virtue system? Good characters get bad karma from attacking things w/o provocation?   

I really like this world you've created. It feels lived in/populated in a way that I haven't found in other RL's. As for the thief question. I played a human thief and he couldn't read. I had just assumed since humans are very resourceful that they would/should be able to read. Just food for thought. Thanks again for your reply.


Altars only display the b/u/c status if they're co-aligned.  If you go dropping items on altars that aren't your alignment, the deity is annoyed with you and curses your item.  So, as you guessed, four in a row isn't bad luck in your case.

Each deity has their own list of likes and dislikes. For the good deities, these are things like attacking friendly creatures, cannibalism, grave robbing, and desecrating good-aligned altars.  The neutral-aligned deities are less consistent (Vedere has similar restrictions as the good three; Voros only dislikes graverobbing and desecrating neutral altars; the Trickster relaxes the restriction on attacking friendlies), and the evil deities are the most permissive.  They just don't like you desecrating their altars.

Humans don't start with literacy by default.  The only race that does are gnomes.  There's a quest in Isen Dun that'll grant it.  I probably should have added a similar one to Carcassia.  I'll look at doing that for the next release.


I just double checked the code, and the behaviour is:

- Drop on aligned altar: bless (burns some piety)

- Drop on non-aligned altar: curse

You can identify item statuses via scrolls of identify, or by playing a PC with the Lore skill (merchant, minstrel, pilgrim, sage, wizard, witchling).  The Lore skill has a one-time chance to identify an item on pickup. 

Thanks for the reply. That, along with your guide is exactly what I needed. I'm looking forward to finding out more secrets, like teleport squares to gold and silver apples and learning valuable lessons like "Eels are not your friends" etc. I let you know if I find any bugs. Keep up the great work.