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Very fun to play! Visuals are spectacular! Got up to 277 kills, but I know I could do better

Very fluid movement and gunplay, everything feels fun to shoot and has its own way of changing the game.

Shooting the weapons for the first time is really fun, thinking "oh what is this one going to do?". Would benefit a lot if there were a lot of other weapons to constantly be having to adjust your playstyle.

Shotgun seemed to make me focus on shooting only upwards or downwards, since sideways was dangerous to shooting myself off the edge. Was good at clearing out guys on the ground and in groups, but falls when there are a lot of enemies.

The Rifle was probably the best one game wise, since when I focused, I would try to make sure I hit all my shots with the fewest bullets possible, so then I wouldn't have to dodge as many coming back across the screen. But it was hard to fight just holding it down to make sure I hit guys lol. Also struggles against guys on the ground, since then you'll be shooting right along the ground back at yourself. 

The Laser is obviously the strongest, maybe it was meant to be like "Oh sweet I got the laser" Since I found that you could simply just hold it down and mow down enemies as they spawned and get tons of kills, which was satisfying. Although, I think it took away from the core of the game, since then I would just try to shoot out the other two guns as quickly as possible (often towards nothing) just so I could cycle back to the laser to get kills. 

Would definitely benefit from a menu screen, being thrown right in can take some people off guard.

Nice job!