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Overall: The game seems a bit too easy. It never ramps up in difficulty.  Also I was just able to hold z + x + c + shift and instantly clear any warning I walked up to.  that in combination with holding down I, and I couldn't lose while also increasing my multiplier, The game is certainly rough around the edges and in need of some polish / bug fixes.

Fun: I wish the difficulty increased over time. Even without abusing the instant-clear bug, it never became too difficult to manage. The alck of difficulty definitely makes it repetitive and stale.

Innovation: The gameplay seems a bit bland (though to be fair, I was definitely cheating with that insta-clear hazard bug. I've definitely seen games before where you walk up to an object and "charge" it by holding a button. I don't know, Innovation can be a hard category to judge.

Theme: I don't know. The gameplay really doesn't fit the theme at all, and naming your game an acronym that spells out the theme seems like a choice to avoid the theme entirely.

Graphics: I love the city in the background, and the occasional tentacles are a fun touch! The 3D models are very nice too.

Mood: I like the goofy setting. It's a great world you have built, and I like the story it tells.

Audio: I like the music.

Humor: The story is great, and I love it. The humor is definitely the strongest feature.

Final Thoughts: The game is definitely in need of fixing the "holding z+x+c+shift to insta-clear a hazard" issue. Perhaps making hazards appear faster over time could make it more fun? I don't know. I wish I had more to say without sounding too negative. Congrats on making a game, and good luck with the jam!

Hey thanks for the thorough review, and for playing our game! This was our first jam so we really appreciate it. We planned on having a scaling difficulty but unfortunately time ran short. Also we're going to continue to work on the game, so the bugs and feedback will be addressed!