Thanks Nathan. I was afraid of that. I guess I'll try it again with a bigger focus on detection. My prior attempts to avoid solely by detection got tedious because these particular super traps are everywhere in that meadow and the place is already confusing and hard to navigate (appropriately enough in context)! You spend a lot of time stumbling around in there!
As for being stronger, I am unsure if I can be much stronger in that spot since I had explored extensively, including Divinity itself and that seemed to be the only way forward (from memory). My character was bad-ass and able to handle most things in the normal course of play easily enough. The issue was that these demons seem to be really really powerful, and suddenly occurred in huge numbers. If the trap spawns larva on top of my head, no problem I can survive even a horde that has surrounded me easily, but the demons... Yoiks. Even individually they are a handful and encountering a dozen was a death sentence, particularly since they popped in and surrounded you, so you could not necessarily bottleneck them, you just got swarmed.
Is that trap prevalent (as opposed to occasional) throughout the rest of the game, or is it mainly the magic meadow where it is is prevalent? I encountered it in prior areas but rarely until the magic meadow area. If it is just a matter of painstakingly picking my way through the meadow and then only occasionally seeing it again, it is worth the effort!
(But I think I'll go and give it another go now anyway, maybe epiphany will strike!)