Thanks a lot for your feedback. After the jam (or shortly before it ended) I was just devastated. I didn't have enough time to finish it. I wanted to have sound, more intuitive gameplay, some progression, stuff that'd make the game complete, but I just couldn't. Afterwards, I was just so fed up with my terrible code and lack of completion that I just wanted to let the game as it was. Don't get me wrong, I think it was an important experience for me, I learned a lot and I won't do the mistake that lead me to run out of time again (mainly trash and disorganized code) Basically, that Game Jam humbled me
But reading your comment, and seeing that the game is actually kinda fun, now that's something I never even considered. I always thought that because it lacked playtesting and juice, it was just a good idea that wasn't complete, meaning that it was hot, uncontrolled garbage. And I was ready to leave it at that, even knowing the potential of the finished product.
But NO. I won't. I'll finish it. Starting with sounds, progression, more content, better indication of what to do. Thanks for giving me the strengh
Also, for the tutorial, I basically just did the screen 30min before the "end" of the jam (7pm, not 9pm), and while it was painful to let things like THAT in the game, it was either that or nothing at all, so sorry for the wall of text and then NOTHING ELSE, but it pained me a lot too.
Anyways, thanks in general for giving my incomplete game a chance, it really means a lot, and seeing positive feedback on my half-backed project gave me confidence. Thanks a lot, random stranger on the internet ;)
And thanks for your last idea, I'll shamelessly take it and call it mine ! (jk, but that's interesting so I think I'll do something like that)