Dude, its only 5 dollars lol. I'd rather see more content/product support than engineering a demo of a 5 dollar game. Js
[seraializefield] private bool isDemo = defualt;
[seraializefield] private GameObject demoEndGraphics = default;
If (isDemo)
SaveScript.canSave = false;
Private IEnumerator DemoTimer()
demoTimeLimit = 900;
demoTimer = 0;
While (demoTimer < demoTimeLimit)
demoTimer += Time.DeltaTime;
yield return null;
Assuming C# scripting and Unity
Slap on end of demo screen
Put a bool check when saving in the save script
Add this to game, check demo bool as true when you want to build the demo
Demo build in less than 30 minutes. Hell, only took me about 5 minutes to come up with this script.
Cake walk