I see version 2 is out! Giving it a try, so I can finally see what the game really looks like. :)
Semi-on-the-fly observations:
- The player die is quite cute! :) And I like how his hands turn towards the mouse, it is both visually pleasant and handy (! pun not intended).
- Ah, the concept reminds me of Dodge Role (another game from the game jam), where rolling allows you to randomly switch between three possible attacks.
- Controls are QWERTY-only instead of layout-independent.
- Since I am using the arrows (because of my AZERTY layout, see above!), I think enabling Right Shift too for rolling (even if Space is not that far, but still makes me shift (!) my left hand leftwards) would be a good idea.
- I am not sure to understand what the criterion for losing your current weapon in a fight is: I could use some swords several times, others just one; is there some durability at work?
- When you lose, the die continues moving in its last direction behind the losing screen — which may be entirely intentional. ;)
- Learning how to play, I kept dying against the very first enemies!! Getting a handle on managing weapon durability is not that easy.
- Oh, I died enough times (XD) to realize that several instances of the music are now playing! I think you forgot to stop the music when restarting, or should not launch another instance.
- FINALLY managed to conquer those first dice guys (the biggest swords help a lot); moving to the next area; get killed quickly. XD
This may be just me and you want to confirm this with another playtester, but I find those archers EXTREMELY HARD to defeat: you keep getting hits when you go to close combat, since you cannot have a shield at the same time as you have a weapon, and the bow only allows you to shoot ONE arrow! I think the fight would be more balanced if we could take more shots from a distance, or had an easier way to stop/avoid the enemy arrows.
I may try getting further, but for now, I really feel there is a difficulty balance issue. Once again, I may be a poor player. XD (… I think I am not that poor of a player, but hey, you always have to question yourself.)