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Hello can someone tell me what the rework all did to the MC. The game is great I played a good bit of it but I kind of stopped after some events because the MC is just a bad person at times just want to know if it changed at all


The MC is a bad person and that's the point of him. Of course someone who takes advantage of his position to manipulate and sleep with girls of redacted age is a terrible, selfish, and unempathetic person. This is not going to change. The question you should be asking yourself is why you thought a person who would be willing to sleep with these children people could ever be an upright person in the first place.


45 days in, and the rework really classed up his relationship with Ayane. He doesn't get a BJ in either the bathroom or the counseling office events, and in "Operation Fallen Angel", rather it turning sexual, the nurse office event ends in their first kiss, which is really beautifully written. If you didn't like the "free" Amy scene you get on the first day, the rework made it much better imo too.

There's a Makoto character progression scene that I found tasteless, where he asks her to kiss a dildo at her shop and then takes a photo of her doing it. Later on he goes, "I wasn't really going to blackmail her" and treats her well on the next couple of events she gets to be a part of, so it's not a deal-breaker, but it still bothered me. 

And then there's the "This Town has Two Halves" event with Yumi. At least the choice I picked made him forcefully kiss her for a long time and left her crying, and... in my opinion that's the event that makes you drop LiL, and the event that makes LiL worth playing, at the same time! A fucked up masterclass you just have to witness. I found that whole event, from beggining to end, to be incredibly well written. MC is a bad person, but in it you see the two halves of this bad person, or rather, how the lustful beast that acts without considering anything gets in the way of the psycopath predator who methodically stalks and works his magic slowly.

So he's a bad person, but he's used for really interesting stuff!