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Badger, Just Badger

A member registered Dec 11, 2020

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There is a small amount of male-male content if I remember correctly, though it is certainly not the focus of this particular project.

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Alright, so I played long enough to confirm that this game was definitely inspired by Lessons In Love by Selebus by finding an actual reference in the game, but at this stage in development it's feeling more like kind of a knock-off, down to using a lot of the same assets. Unfortunately, the things that are different, some of the story and some of the characters, just aren't exactly inspired.  A lot of the characters and especially their dialogue just feel similar to one another and nobody really jumps out as having real or unique personalities that can be interesting to watch play off each other. Unique and complex personalities and writing aren't really necessary for most adult games, but for something like this that is trying for complex philosophical stuff right out of the gate, it's really jarring in juxtaposition to the bland and mindless characters, MC included. I'll update as I play through, but right now this is just a lawsuit waiting to happen.

The MC is a bad person and that's the point of him. Of course someone who takes advantage of his position to manipulate and sleep with girls of redacted age is a terrible, selfish, and unempathetic person. This is not going to change. The question you should be asking yourself is why you thought a person who would be willing to sleep with these children people could ever be an upright person in the first place.

Never, though that's entirely for technical reasons. Something about the way Android functions means that apk files can only be so large. If you poke through the comments section here, there is a way to emulate it on an Android device.

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The early parts of the game are currently being reworked, so maybe take a break for now and give it a retry when that update rolls out so you get new content while catching back up to where you were?

Part 2 includes Part 1, so just download part 2.

Some questions, sir, are better left unanswered. Think about the type of world this game takes place in. Would pregnancy even be possible in that place? If so, what would the ramifications of that be? How would a new being fit into this world? Would it even stick around when the seasons change? Even if it did, would anyone know? I guess what I'm saying is maybe play it all the way through and see if any, some, or all of these questions get answered. Since Sel is focused on remaking the early parts, we have a while before the story continues, so take your time and pay attention.

Don't worry, it gets worse. Holy crap does it get worse. In a good way, of course.

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Right, short version is that the developer was required to make a SFW version to put on Patreon Legend of the Huggy Boy is a very similar but definitely unrelated SFW game, so you may have accidentally downloaded that. I would recommend downloading Lessons in Love from either here or Selebus' page on SubscribeStar.

Edit: It's also possible that the people who posted the download link were just lying about what they were uploading. Always download things from primary sources when possible.

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Did you accidentally download Legend of the Huggy Boy? Because that's the SFW version.

That should work just fine. You're not applying an update patch, you're getting a whole new version of the game, so skipping versions wouldn't really affect anything.

Just download and unzip the new version as you did with the old one.

"Just launch the new .exe and your saves will be transferred automatically as they’re hosted in the roaming folder on your PC. If you’re playing on Android, it works the same way but you could always make a backup of your saves if you’re worried." -Selebus

(3 edits)

Great work on the Christmas update. My heart grew three sizes and everything.

Edit: I failed to hold in my vaguely spoilery rant, I apologize in advance. Feel free to read it in the voice of Austin from Game Theory.

 Also, HOLY CRAP Maya is such a complex and well thought out character and that thing with Miku threw me so hard and surprise Io made my heart drop and that thing with Yasu in front of the TV had such a compelling atmosphere and THE MOTHERLOVING FLASHBACK OMFG WHY IS THIS GAME SO. FREAKING. GOOD!? WHO DID YOU SELL YOUR SOUL TO TO MAKE THESE CHARACTERS AND THIS STORY AND WHERE CAN I FIND THEM SO I CAN MAKE THE SAME DEAL!?

Whew, that's all. Seriously, no matter how hard it is sometimes to keep watching the 30-car train wreck that is these character's lives, I am loving every minute of it and it just keeps getting better.

As an aside, last time I checked, there is a separate folder created on your device so that even if you delete the game your save files are preserved, though I can't remember the exact file path.

All I'll say on this is that major decisions echo throughout all the way up to the recent update. Keep that in mind.

For just one day, try to behave yoursel

I don't play on mobile, but just wanted to give you extra thanks for giving a detailed explanation for those who needed it

When you do the one thing she asked you not to do.

All you can do is hope and pray that something changes

0.21.0 Part 1 can be downloaded right here. Itch has no problem with the content, only Patreon, but 0.21.0 Part 2 and 0.22.0 haven't even been released yet, even for supporters, so I don't know why you're asking

"As of 0.16.0 Part 2, Lessons in Love in too large to fit into an Android APK. The PC version of the game can still be played on phones using an emulator program like JoiPlay. Installation instructions are available on Discord (Link above)."
- The description


"The PC version of the game can still be played on phones using an emulator program like JoiPlay. Installation instructions are available on Discord (Link above)."

- The description

Just roll with it. It's kind of designed to be a pretty reactive game as far as these kinds go, so missing an event isn't always a bad thing. In fact, sometimes it's the best thing for the characters.

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Yeah, this part broke me. When I realized there was only the one choice and it had been very blatantly leading up to this and the music was just a little bit off...I legit just said, "No...No, no, no. Don't do this to me," and then just went for a walk for like an hour. This game is awesome.'s in the first part of the description in bold text...

There is the wiki, linked in the main menu, but as long as you're paying attention, it's typically unecessary.

My man, real quick just take a look at both the description and the pictures again. Like, really look. Wholesome is not a word I can use to describe this absolute gutpunch of a game.

Just go along in the story and places will unlock eventually.

You do realize that was a joke, right?

Really? Because there should be one happy event you haven't completed yet since it's literally impossible before There Is Nothing. Now, go back into your game, check properly, and try not to get attitude with next person trying to help you.

Have you checked your happy events? On the progress screen, does it say any events are available?

So, first thing, missing an event (red text crossed out) doesn't stop you from progressing at all. If an event is necessary, it isn't missable. Cult of Molly, well, you just haven't seen it yet. Go talk to her while she's in the hallway. Now, to be more specific about the requirements of There Is Nothing:

It is basically the beginning of the end for Chapter 1, so it requires that you have seen (or missed) all of the events in Chapter 1 except for one Happy Event that can be triggered during the sequence of events at the end of the chapter. If you're having trouble, there is a "progress" screen that will tell you what kinds of events are still available to be triggered in your current chapter.

Have you checked your Happy Events?

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It isn't explicitly announced, I don't think, but both of them have places you can visit them outside of the dorms. If not that, then have you spoken to them while they're out in the hallway?

"As of 0.16.0 Part 2, Lessons in Love in too large to fit into an Android APK. The PC version of the game can still be played on phones using an emulator program like JoiPlay. Installation instructions are available on Discord (Link above)."

This is at the top of this very page.

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I beg to differ. Unless there's something in 16 part 2 that I don't know about yet because I'm just a poor boy from a poor family. Also, why would anyone bother putting in events you can't see?

Notice that there is one place you can go that actually does something. That is the hint and the key. After you visit it a few times a new option will pop up in the morning. There's also a wiki linked in the menu if you get really stuck like this.

Most of the answers to this riddle can be found in the happy events, one of them is given to you in the audio during this scene, and one of them is given during a recent main event. Selebus' hint for the main event one is "meow".

You're gonna have to be a bit more specific. there's an event tracker and a progress screen that will tell you what's available for the chapter your in.