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So, I've been thinking about the color of Dwayne's name.

He will have a color, right? He must have a color, heh

The first time I saw him, I thought about... green, cool shade of green, but then I remembered that we already have two green names. Then I thought about turquoise.

BUT! The last update got me thinking about... light yellow.

Like... banana? I guess heh

I think this color would suit him, it is light, optimistic, energetic and lively, positive and radiant.

Well, plus two points in favor of this color, it's directly Dwayne's underwear color and the fact that he likes bananas.

I suppose something of the shades of blue would probably not suit him? I'm not sure, it's all just my thoughts out loud, heh

But it would be interesting to hear someone else's opinion.


And what about the main character's name? Will he get a color, or is it better not to do it for the sake of neutrality? After all, in fact, everyone sees it in their own way, and color can interfere with this a little. On the other hand, letting him choose a color at the beginning sounds nice, but wouldn't that be too problematic in terms of reworking everything?

Hmm... maybe light blue?

But this, again, is all just thinking out loud!


Hah, he did get his color during his last update!  (I did go with a light yellow, kinda... banana cream color).

I never really considered giving the MC a color though!  I wonder if I could give the player a choice there... kind personalize it a little more for them x3  It's something for me to think about!

Well, maybe you could go with a favorite color question, like how that's a question in Harold's route?

Really? That's wonderful! We still don't know everything about Dwayne, but I think this color really suits him. And, not only because of the banana part, obviously, but it's just a nice bonus, in my opinion.

As for the name of the protagonist, well, it's still just a thought. That would be quite nice, yes, but if it's too much of a hassle while working on a novel, no one will be too upset if this option isn't there, heh... I hope.

I still think white fits anyway

All colors are in one, and everyone sees something of their own in the main character, while he himself remains, well, himself anyway.