So i'm reading a lot here that the game is too slow and pacing is slow and all, but tbh, i appreciated it not giving you yet another H-Scene after each conversation or minipuzzle you finished, because in quite some other games that's the case up to the point of them running out of fucking ideas and coming up with two- or three-somes, public stuff and it's still not enough to distract from the fact most of the renpy girls look very similar, especially when it comes to private parts, so after the 12th sex scene it just all blends together in one blur.
That's why i appreciate the game taking it on slow and fleshing out the girls so much because finally getting them to do what one likes feels much more rewarding and individual than rushing from scene to scene.
That being said some scenes did stretch out quite a bit, but i'm sure the devs do know about it and will fix that. I liked the locations of the castle, the story was (when last i played) somewhat chaotic at times (some of the girls conversations and quest designs contradicted each other) and all in all i would love to have decisions matter a bit more, but i guess that's rare in any games, let alone NSFW ones like this one.
Love the art style, like the humour, like the feeling like there's always more to explore or to do. Don't like susan's personality at all, but i guess that's a question of taste. Sometimes it feels like earning money can be a chore. I loved the minigames, finally a game has actually challenging stuff in it and not just a front with "click 6 times and you're done".