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The art is really nice but I found the jump to feel quite un polished as regardless of how long I held the jump button, it would jump the same height. I also found the deceleration of the player to make the game feel like it is on ice, causing me to fall off many platforms that I would land on. When I jumped at the side of objects, it seemed to make me jump around twice the height and the ground detection seems to let me jump when at the side of an object, even if not on any ground. The music and sound effects do add a lot to the game and add useful feedback.

I had fun playing and I feel like this game has a lot of potential but just would need some more polish.

Thak you for your feedback.

This is my first platformer and was developed in 5 days for a game jam; I really had about half a day to work on the controls so it definitely is unpolished. I'll keep your feedback in mind, and try and improve on that for my next game!