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Hey Cryptic! Thanks for the question! You are completely right, I should make a proper log to keep you posted!

To resume, in this demo, the game is slightly changed in terms of mechanics. 

  • Now is easier to scan the memories using a special instrument that works like a binocular.
  • Now to deactivate a beacon, you need first to answer a specific question. To know the answer, you need to discover the associated memory. This is to prevent players to shut down all the beacons before discovering all the memories. 
  • I started the localization for all the french speaking friends. If the budget allows, also Spanish and Italian are planned.
  • I fixed something like 150 bugs... too much to be listed here!


That's a big changelog. I just got to play today and unfortunately I get a crash when nearing the main gate (after the first beacon was deactivated) Tried the Steam build as well, same issue. 

Thanks! Could you share with me your system spec? I'll try to investigate that!


Hopefully it's not Windows 7's fault. :)
The PC specs are Core i5-3570, 16 GB RAM, GTX 970 (with the 473.04 driver). 


Thank you very much! I'll work on that as soon I came back home from work! Thanks again!

Are you able to send me the log? Usually is located on "AppData\LocalLow\Edoardo Ventisette\The Inspector"


(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, of course. I uploaded them here - 

Oh, and I saw the crash logs... I have them here - 


Super!!! Thnaks!