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Good game.


  • The combat system of good. Combining add and multiplier cards to increase the effectiveness of the base cards and using 2 negative cards to cancel each out is nice.
  • The idea of getting more cards to play with by exploring the level is also neet.
  • I liked that you added music and sound, expesioly when I struggle to add it myself.
  • The windows 7 background is amazing

Areas to improve:  

  • When you or the enemy attacks, it would be nice to see some text of what resulted from the combo. This would make big combos more satisfying and it would speed up the player's understanding of what is going on.
  • The shield and health could have been lower, so the fight wouldn't be drawn out when you aren't pulling any high-value cards, and it would make heavy hits more impactful
  • After finishing the 3rd fight the game closed, so I guess I beat it. If so, would be nice to have more confirmation of my victory.
  • For the platformer sections, it might help to add a jump grace period, where the player can jump even if he isn't touching the ground. This would make the jumps more forgiving and would "feel" more fare.
  • For the deep hole that you can't jump out of, it would be nice to have some spices there to instantly restart the level, so the player doesn't have to think about restarting.
  • Make the player and enemy model less vibrant - they hurt the eyes when on the battle screen. Use less saturated colors (slightly closer to gray).