The missing messages and help paging keys bugs have been fixed. Also the linux download contains a script which should make starting the game more clear.
Thank you. Both ./robinson and ./ now start fine. I'm still not seeing the messages of me hitting (I see them only when I look at old messages). Also, with a fresh install, when at the first screen I press 'q' and then try to start again, I get a blank window. The log follows (the last bit is after I killed the window). Don't get discouraged, bugs are a fact of life and arch-specific bugs are known to be nasty. Good tests and multi-arch CI help only a bit.
honeycomb@bratek:~/robinson-linux-x64-2018.12.28-21.08.07-1ee5652$ ./ WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.player, being replaced by: #'robinson.player/format
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.endgame, being replaced by: #'robinson.endgame/format
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: tinter.core, being replaced by: #'tinter.core/format
WARNING: cycle already refers to: #'clojure.core/cycle in namespace: zaffre.util, being replaced by: #'zaffre.util/cycle
WARNING: sequence already refers to: #'clojure.core/sequence in namespace: zaffre.util, being replaced by: #'zaffre.util/sequence
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.describe, being replaced by: #'robinson.describe/format
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.combat, being replaced by: #'robinson.combat/format
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.startgame, being replaced by: #'robinson.startgame/format
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.crafting, being replaced by: #'robinson.crafting/format
WARNING: vector already refers to: #'clojure.core/vector in namespace: clj-tiny-astar.path, being replaced by: #'clj-tuple/vector
WARNING: hash-map already refers to: #'clojure.core/hash-map in namespace: clj-tiny-astar.path, being replaced by: #'clj-tuple/hash-map
WARNING: vector already refers to: #'clojure.core/vector in namespace: clj-tiny-astar.util, being replaced by: #'clj-tuple/vector
WARNING: hash-map already refers to: #'clojure.core/hash-map in namespace: clj-tiny-astar.util, being replaced by: #'clj-tuple/hash-map
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.update, being replaced by: #'robinson.update/format
19-01-01 23:40:18 bratek INFO [robinson.main:198] - Using font settings {:name "Boxy 24", :linux-font "fonts/Boxy/Boxy.ttf", :macosx-font "fonts/Boxy/Boxy.ttf", :windows-font "fonts/Boxy/Boxy.ttf", :font-size 24, :transparent false}
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [robinson.main:230] - Creating terminal in thread: main
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [robinson.main:231] - Loaded data: (:atmo :ui :gameplay :keyboard-controls :help)
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1001] - group-id->index {:app 0}
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1002] - group-map {:app #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x2eb31735 {:status :ready, :val {:gl-blend-equation :gl-func-add, :gl-blend-func [:gl-one :gl-one-minus-src-alpha], :id :app, :layers [:map :features :shading :ui], :columns 80, :rows 24, :pos [0 0], :font #object[robinson.main$setup$fn__28331 0x22cf1808 "robinson.main$setup$fn__28331@22cf1808"]}}]}
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1003] - layer-id->group {:map #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x2eb31735 {:status :ready, :val {:gl-blend-equation :gl-func-add, :gl-blend-func [:gl-one :gl-one-minus-src-alpha], :id :app, :layers [:map :features :shading :ui], :columns 80, :rows 24, :pos [0 0], :font #object[robinson.main$setup$fn__28331 0x22cf1808 "robinson.main$setup$fn__28331@22cf1808"]}}], :features #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x2eb31735 {:status :ready, :val {:gl-blend-equation :gl-func-add, :gl-blend-func [:gl-one :gl-one-minus-src-alpha], :id :app, :layers [:map :features :shading :ui], :columns 80, :rows 24, :pos [0 0], :font #object[robinson.main$setup$fn__28331 0x22cf1808 "robinson.main$setup$fn__28331@22cf1808"]}}], :shading #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x2eb31735 {:status :ready, :val {:gl-blend-equation :gl-func-add, :gl-blend-func [:gl-one :gl-one-minus-src-alpha], :id :app, :layers [:map :features :shading :ui], :columns 80, :rows 24, :pos [0 0], :font #object[robinson.main$setup$fn__28331 0x22cf1808 "robinson.main$setup$fn__28331@22cf1808"]}}], :ui #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x2eb31735 {:status :ready, :val {:gl-blend-equation :gl-func-add, :gl-blend-func [:gl-one :gl-one-minus-src-alpha], :id :app, :layers [:map :features :shading :ui], :columns 80, :rows 24, :pos [0 0], :font #object[robinson.main$setup$fn__28331 0x22cf1808 "robinson.main$setup$fn__28331@22cf1808"]}}]}
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1004] - layer-id->index {:map 0, :features 1, :shading 2, :ui 3}
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1019] - window 140509798449728 capabilities org.lwjgl.opengl.GLCapabilities@7f1b2f07
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1020] - screen size 1360 x 576
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1021] - framebuffer size 1360 x 576
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1024] - monitor-fullscreen-sizes [{:width 640, :height 480, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 640, :height 480, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 720, :height 480, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 720, :height 480, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 720, :height 576, :refresh-rate 50, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 800, :height 600, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1024, :height 768, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1280, :height 720, :refresh-rate 50, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1280, :height 720, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1280, :height 720, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1280, :height 768, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1360, :height 768, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1440, :height 900, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1280, :height 1024, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1400, :height 1050, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1680, :height 1050, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 23, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 24, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 25, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 29, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 30, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 50, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140509800519280}]
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1029] - Creating glyph-graphics for #zaffre.font.TTFFont{:name-or-path "/home/honeycomb/robinson-linux-x64-2018.12.28-21.08.07-1ee5652/fonts/Boxy/Boxy.ttf", :size 24, :transparent true} :linux
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [zaffre.font:377] - characters per line 120
19-01-01 23:40:19 bratek INFO [zaffre.font:389] - character-idxs [[0 3 0 0] [121 91 1 0] [65 35 2 0] [70 40 3 0] [62 32 4 0] [74 44 5 0] [9619 151 6 0] [186 100 7 0] [110 80 8 0] [59 30 9 0] [934 103 10 0] [86 56 11 0] [72 42 12 0] [58 29 13 0] [60 31 14 0] [9600 144 15 0] [8599 114 16 0] [8600 115 17 0] [9552 131 18 0] [69 39 19 0] [101 71 20 0] [102 72 21 0] [8768 119 22 0] [55 26 23 0] [8595 112 24 0] [8598 113 25 0] [85 55 26 0] [39 10 27 0] [88 58 28 0] [46 17 29 0] [77 47 30 0] [106 76 31 0] [9570 138 32 0] [119 89 33 0] [95 65 34 0] [176 98 35 0] [54 25 36 0] [92 62 37 0] [9472 123 38 0] [9492 127 39 0] [104 74 40 0] [48 19 41 0] [945 104 42 0] [50 21 43 0] [8601 116 44 0] [9618 150 45 0] [116 86 46 0] [75 45 47 0] [8594 111 48 0] [99 69 49 0] [9553 132 50 0] [9787 156 51 0] [9524 130 52 0] [9474 124 53 0] [113 83 54 0] [32 4 55 0] [9576 142 56 0] [9567 137 57 0] [9559 134 58 0] [9575 141 59 0] [40 11 60 0] [7446 106 61 0] [91 61 62 0] [117 87 63 0] [9617 149 64 0] [9829 158 65 0] [108 78 66 0] [923 102 67 0] [56 27 68 0] [33 5 69 0] [8801 121 70 0] [90 60 71 0] [109 79 72 0] [167 97 73 0] [41 12 74 0] [9580 143 75 0] [118 88 76 0] [962 105 77 0] [89 59 78 0] [100 70 79 0] [9612 147 80 0] [9632 152 81 0] [122 92 82 0] [43 14 83 0] [8776 120 84 0] [44 15 85 0] [93 63 86 0] [111 81 87 0] [64 34 88 0] [8221 108 89 0] [103 73 90 0] [51 22 91 0] [8710 117 92 0] [34 6 93 0] [9800 157 94 0] [125 95 95 0] [9565 136 96 0] [9688 154 97 0] [9496 128 98 0] [9556 133 99 0] [9488 126 100 0] [66 36 101 0] [9562 135 102 0] [107 77 103 0] [47 18 104 0] [9573 140 105 0] [35 7 106 0] [82 52 107 0] [76 46 108 0] [97 67 109 0] [9484 125 110 0] [9616 148 111 0] [57 28 112 0] [68 38 113 0] [115 85 114 0] [112 82 115 0] [9679 153 116 0] [8593 110 117 0] [83 53 118 0] [449 101 119 0] [45 16 0 1] [53 24 1 1] [78 48 2 1] [9604 145 3 1] [123 93 4 1] [81 51 5 1] [120 90 6 1] [79 49 7 1] [38 9 8 1] [126 96 9 1] [98 68 10 1] [124 94 11 1] [87 57 12 1] [73 43 13 1] [9608 146 14 1] [96 66 15 1] [105 75 16 1] [52 23 17 1] [9516 129 18 1] [114 84 19 1] [8220 107 20 1] [8729 118 21 1] [67 37 22 1] [71 41 23 1] [9572 139 24 1] [42 13 25 1] [80 50 26 1] [37 8 27 1] [183 99 28 1] [63 33 29 1] [94 64 30 1] [8992 122 31 1] [9689 155 32 1] [49 20 33 1] [8592 109 34 1] [84 54 35 1]]
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1034] - loaded font-texture for :app 1 {:font-texture-width 2048, :font-texture-height 64, :character-width 17, :character-height 24}
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1053] - Creating glyph array
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1062] - creating buffer for glyph textures 128 x 32 x 4 x 4 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=65536 cap=65536]
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1071] - creating buffer for fg textures 128 x 32 x 4 x 4 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=65536 cap=65536]
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1080] - creating buffer for bg textures 128 x 32 x 4 x 4 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=65536 cap=65536]
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:195] - Creating framebuffer 1360 x 576
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:174] - 36053
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1166] - Found uniform uMVMatrix
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1166] - Found uniform uPMatrix
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1166] - Found uniform uFb
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:321] - glfw-monitor-video-mode 140509798449728 0
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1339] - current-video-mode {:width 1360, :height 576, :refresh-rate 0, :monitor 0}
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [robinson.autoreloadcore:87] - Create-terminal current-state :quit (:events :settings :user-id :world :feedback-participant :terminal-opts :terminal-groups :dialog :scores :version :quests :fonts :data)
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [robinson.autoreloadcore:95] - frames 0
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [robinson.autoreloadcore:98] - Terminal groups {:app {:character-width 17, :gl-blend-func [:gl-one :gl-one-minus-src-alpha], :columns 80, :pos [0 0], :font-texture-height 64, :font #object[robinson.main$setup$fn__28331 0x22cf1808 "robinson.main$setup$fn__28331@22cf1808"], :rows 24, :id :app, :font-texture-width 2048, :layers [:map :features :shading :ui], :character-height 24, :gl-blend-equation :gl-func-add}}
19-01-01 23:40:25 bratek INFO [robinson.autoreloadcore:104] - Got quit state. Exiting.
19-01-01 23:40:26 bratek INFO [robinson.autoreloadcore:95] - frames 0
19-01-01 23:40:27 bratek INFO [robinson.autoreloadcore:95] - frames 0
19-01-01 23:40:27 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1369] - window change. Old size {:width 1360, :height 576, :refresh-rate 0, :monitor 0} New size {:width 1360, :height 576}
19-01-01 23:40:27 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1398] - setting window monitor windowed from windowed 140509798449728 0 0 0 1360 576 0
19-01-01 23:40:28 bratek INFO [robinson.autoreloadcore:95] - frames 0
19-01-01 23:40:29 bratek INFO [robinson.autoreloadcore:95] - frames 0