However, it doesn't start for me on Ubuntu 16.04. Where do I report bugs? I can't see any issue tracker or dev page. Thank you for the great roguelike (judging from the screenshots so far).
~/r/LambdaHack$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_151"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-8u151-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-b12)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)
honeycomb@bratek:~/robinson-linux-x64-2018.12.08-21.11.52-a7fdcf0$ java -jar robinson.jar
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.player, being replaced by: #'robinson.player/format
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.endgame, being replaced by: #'robinson.endgame/format
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: tinter.core, being replaced by: #'tinter.core/format
WARNING: cycle already refers to: #'clojure.core/cycle in namespace: zaffre.util, being replaced by: #'zaffre.util/cycle
WARNING: sequence already refers to: #'clojure.core/sequence in namespace: zaffre.util, being replaced by: #'zaffre.util/sequence
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.describe, being replaced by: #'robinson.describe/format
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.combat, being replaced by: #'robinson.combat/format
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.startgame, being replaced by: #'robinson.startgame/format
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.crafting, being replaced by: #'robinson.crafting/format
WARNING: vector already refers to: #'clojure.core/vector in namespace: clj-tiny-astar.path, being replaced by: #'clj-tuple/vector
WARNING: hash-map already refers to: #'clojure.core/hash-map in namespace: clj-tiny-astar.path, being replaced by: #'clj-tuple/hash-map
WARNING: vector already refers to: #'clojure.core/vector in namespace: clj-tiny-astar.util, being replaced by: #'clj-tuple/vector
WARNING: hash-map already refers to: #'clojure.core/hash-map in namespace: clj-tiny-astar.util, being replaced by: #'clj-tuple/hash-map
WARNING: format already refers to: #'clojure.core/format in namespace: robinson.update, being replaced by: #'robinson.update/format
18-12-19 08:58:36 bratek INFO [robinson.main:198] - Using font settings {:name "Boxy 24", :linux-font "fonts/Boxy/Boxy.ttf", :macosx-font "fonts/Boxy/Boxy.ttf", :windows-font "fonts/Boxy/Boxy.ttf", :font-size 24, :transparent false}
18-12-19 08:58:36 bratek INFO [robinson.main:230] - Creating terminal in thread: main
18-12-19 08:58:36 bratek INFO [robinson.main:231] - Loaded data: (:atmo :ui :gameplay :keyboard-controls :help)
18-12-19 08:58:36 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:999] - group-id->index {:app 0}
18-12-19 08:58:36 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1000] - group-map {:app #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x401926df {:status :ready, :val {:gl-blend-equation :gl-func-add, :gl-blend-func [:gl-one :gl-one-minus-src-alpha], :id :app, :layers [:map :features :shading :ui], :columns 80, :rows 24, :pos [0 0], :font #object[robinson.main$setup$fn__28341 0x12f8682a "robinson.main$setup$fn__28341@12f8682a"]}}]}
18-12-19 08:58:36 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1001] - layer-id->group {:map #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x401926df {:status :ready, :val {:gl-blend-equation :gl-func-add, :gl-blend-func [:gl-one :gl-one-minus-src-alpha], :id :app, :layers [:map :features :shading :ui], :columns 80, :rows 24, :pos [0 0], :font #object[robinson.main$setup$fn__28341 0x12f8682a "robinson.main$setup$fn__28341@12f8682a"]}}], :features #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x401926df {:status :ready, :val {:gl-blend-equation :gl-func-add, :gl-blend-func [:gl-one :gl-one-minus-src-alpha], :id :app, :layers [:map :features :shading :ui], :columns 80, :rows 24, :pos [0 0], :font #object[robinson.main$setup$fn__28341 0x12f8682a "robinson.main$setup$fn__28341@12f8682a"]}}], :shading #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x401926df {:status :ready, :val {:gl-blend-equation :gl-func-add, :gl-blend-func [:gl-one :gl-one-minus-src-alpha], :id :app, :layers [:map :features :shading :ui], :columns 80, :rows 24, :pos [0 0], :font #object[robinson.main$setup$fn__28341 0x12f8682a "robinson.main$setup$fn__28341@12f8682a"]}}], :ui #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x401926df {:status :ready, :val {:gl-blend-equation :gl-func-add, :gl-blend-func [:gl-one :gl-one-minus-src-alpha], :id :app, :layers [:map :features :shading :ui], :columns 80, :rows 24, :pos [0 0], :font #object[robinson.main$setup$fn__28341 0x12f8682a "robinson.main$setup$fn__28341@12f8682a"]}}]}
18-12-19 08:58:36 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1002] - layer-id->index {:map 0, :features 1, :shading 2, :ui 3}
libGL error: failed to open drm device: Permission denied
libGL error: failed to load driver: r600
18-12-19 08:58:37 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1017] - window 140119491224320 capabilities org.lwjgl.opengl.GLCapabilities@54daf8f9
18-12-19 08:58:37 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1018] - screen size 1360 x 576
18-12-19 08:58:37 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1019] - framebuffer size 1360 x 576
18-12-19 08:58:37 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1022] - monitor-fullscreen-sizes [{:width 640, :height 480, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 640, :height 480, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 720, :height 480, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 720, :height 480, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 720, :height 576, :refresh-rate 50, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 800, :height 600, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1024, :height 768, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1280, :height 720, :refresh-rate 50, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1280, :height 720, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1280, :height 720, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1280, :height 768, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1360, :height 768, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1440, :height 900, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1280, :height 1024, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1400, :height 1050, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1680, :height 1050, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 23, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 24, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 25, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 29, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 30, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 50, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 59, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104} {:width 1920, :height 1080, :refresh-rate 60, :name "HDMI-0", :monitor 140119487197104}]
18-12-19 08:58:37 bratek INFO [zaffre.glterminal:1027] - Creating glyph-graphics for #zaffre.font.TTFFont{:name-or-path "/home/honeycomb/robinson-linux-x64-2018.12.08-21.11.52-a7fdcf0/fonts/Boxy/Boxy.ttf", :size 24, :transparent true} :linux
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.flip()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
at zaffre.font$font_data.invokeStatic(font.cljc:137)
at zaffre.font$font_data.invoke(font.cljc:125)
at zaffre.font.TTFFont.glyph_graphics(font.cljc:356)
at zaffre.glterminal$create_terminal$fn__27968.invoke(glterminal.clj:1030)
at clojure.core$mapv$fn__8088.invoke(core.clj:6832)
at clojure.core.protocols$iter_reduce.invokeStatic(protocols.clj:49)
at clojure.core.protocols$fn__7839.invokeStatic(protocols.clj:75)
at clojure.core.protocols$fn__7839.invoke(protocols.clj:75)
at clojure.core.protocols$fn__7781$G__7776__7794.invoke(protocols.clj:13)
at clojure.core$reduce.invokeStatic(core.clj:6748)
at clojure.core$mapv.invokeStatic(core.clj:6823)
at clojure.core$mapv.invoke(core.clj:6823)
at zaffre.glterminal$create_terminal.invokeStatic(glterminal.clj:1025)
at zaffre.glterminal$create_terminal.invoke(glterminal.clj:964)
at robinson.autoreloadcore$_main$fn__29873.invoke(autoreloadcore.clj:83)
at robinson.main$setup.invokeStatic(main.clj:236)
at robinson.main$setup.invoke(main.clj:105)
at robinson.main$setup.invokeStatic(main.clj:122)
at robinson.main$setup.invoke(main.clj:105)
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
at robinson.autoreloadcore$_main.invokeStatic(autoreloadcore.clj:81)
at robinson.autoreloadcore$_main.invoke(autoreloadcore.clj:65)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo(
at robinson.autoreloadcore.main(Unknown Source)