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I am SO glad for the Yandere warning in the beginning. Even with it, it took quite a lot not to stop playing. And what a nice game I would have missed! The writing is REALLY good, I like the fact that a lot of characters have their own mannerisms (beyond the "defining characteristic") - but I must admit in that regard "Aweebin" is my favourite ^^.

The story is riveting and ties in the lewdness nicely and unobtrusively. And the girls are very nice to look at (not all equally, but with such a wide range of body types and charcters, I'm guessing everybody has a "least favourite").

VERY nice, can't wait for the next update!

Good to know that's saving the game for some people. Dealing with Cecilia is rough emotionally, but in my mind the light needs shadow to appear bright by comparison. If everything was perfect, it'd be a little bit boring. The prologue comes off a lot rougher and more negative-toned than I intended, and I hope to adjust that someday, but my hope was that the player would feel the satisfaction of climbing out of a ditch and overcoming the assumptions made about them, proving themselves against an unfair standard. 

When I started writing this, I never imagined Cecilia would be so polarizing. Since then, I've learned a lot about the AVN community, and I'm glad my Something For Everyone philosophy of character design is doing it for so many people. 

I'd love to know who your favorites are! Feel free to hop into the Discord and chat with us!


Jade is my personal favorite by far. Her attitude and personality are just my style, and the fact that she's a Muay Thai practitioner just seals the deal. As a martial artist myself, I appreciate when someone actually knows the names of specific techniques and katas, and doesn't just randomly start spitting out a bunch of random nonsense names because they sound cool. It's also great that you describe the thoughts going through the combatants heads in order to formulate a strategy.

I also appreciate the fact that you show very clearly that just because you're a martial artist, you are NOT invincible, and shit can happen outside of your control. Cecilia clearly didn't just have the natural talent to "adapt" to the MC's fighting style. She put in the work and trained her ass off in order to make MC see her as a legitimate danger/challenge. She might be bat shit crazy, but her dedication to her goal has to be admired.


SOMEBODY GETS IT! I keep hearing how "he's supposed to be this badass but gets taken out by a little girl" and I'm like, "y'all..."

I appreciate that you got what I was going for with Cecilia and her intent. She's conditioned herself specifically to counter the MC, so if she were to go up against someone like Jade, she'd have a significantly harder time. Glad to meet a fellow martial artist, and would love to have you in the Discord!

(1 edit)

Cecilia's motivation and self training were clear as day the moment MC started dialoging about how she was harder to handle every time they met. Maybe it's just because I trained my ass off as well, but I would hope it would be clear to more people.

It just goes to show that not everyone understands how fighting actually works. There is no "ultimate style" that will win every time. It all comes down to strategy and training, even someone you have already defeated can come back and wipe the floor with you if you don't have a sound strategy and execute properly.

Sadly I don't actually practice and train anymore due to health issues that limit my mobility. Took a bad fall that screwed my back up royally, causing me to have to get my L4, L5, and S1 fused. I'm not asking for anyone's pity though, it was my own arrogance that brought it about. I was overconfident during a self defense incident and got taken to the ground, smashing my lower back against a rock. I'm just glad it didn't paralyze me.

Thank you again for portraying martial arts properly. I wish more people took your approach to the subject.