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not problem maybe you try godot sorry my english not good

(1 edit)

It appears, based on the information in the screenshots you've provided and my own research, that there might be an incompatibility with the version of FontConfig used in the version of nw.js RPGMMV uses and the version of FontConfig installed on your device.

It is possible (I’m not saying it's likely) that downloading a different/newer version of nw.js and extracting it into the game folder, thereby overwriting the version of nw.js being used, could solve the problem.

In any case, I am unable to help you further. It appears to be an incompatibility specific to your device, and I am not equipped to inform you on these matters. I would recommend seeking help from people who know more about running software on Arch Linux. I apologize. I hope you have a pleasant day.

okay so sad