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Haha, don't feel sorry you didn't play my game, there where 6000 other games, so it was easy to miss. And i already knew you guys did a similar game. After i streamed me playing your game Clement instantly contacted me on Discord to tell me about it. You did a really good job, i might borrow some ideas i saw (like the enemies bouncing to the beat) if you are ok with that. Loved the song, really catchy.

I really love the concept (shooting to the beat) overall, and from what i gathered people get sucked into it when playing it quite easily. I already made a tons of improvements to the Jam version (i removed the dice mechanics though, since i don't think i need those, i just implemented it for the jam to get it somewhat in theme). Wanna try out the new version? would love to hear some feedback. Maybe we can continue this discussion on Discord to get it away from the public ;) just chat me up: g0ldent0y#9304