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Would this approach to movement mean that your speed is capped by the framerate? Since you're moving one pixel at a time. It's a very interesting way to do collision detection though! Solves the overshooting issue.

The total movement is still the same. Instead of moving 5 pixels per frame in one go I split those 5 pixels up into 5 separate 1 pixel movements. That simplifies some things: Instead of moving 5 pixels and seeing "oh, now I'm overlapping something, where do I go now" I can just go "can you go to the next pixel? Yes? Move." Pixel is actually the wrong word here because a screen pixel is made up multiple subpixels internally but the idea is the same. You should really take a look at the linked blog post because the idea is very interesting but only works for integer based positions I guess so it lends itself to pixel art.