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(4 edits)

Is there a script / function that I can easily call which adds a mon to the party? I'd also like to set it up so 2v2 is the standard, how do I go about that?

Not 100% sure what you mean with "add a mon to the party", is it a new mon or one from a box?

If the former, check out how mev_intro_starterselect_confirm does it: first get the first free AMP (=Active Monster Party) slot in the player party region, then generate a new monster there. The latter (swap out a pre-existing monster) is a bit trickier but there's code for this in mev_terminal_interact.

For multi battles, the important thing is setting the two variables global.player_side_monsters and global.enemy_side_monsters to the amount you want on each side (in your case both would be 2). Check out the scripts cc_battlestart_trainer and player_step_fill for trainer and random encounters respectively.

A new mon, like at the start of the game instead of the selector or a gift from an NPC for example, something like GetNewMon(monster) and it'd just go off and add it to the party if it can or a box if not, but I'll look into what you've said and go from there.  And I'll look into the global vars, appreciate the response. Great framework tho, I've had to do some bits for it to work at a smaller res but that was simple enough once I'd read through the code a bit.

Another question, I'd like to give items in the inventory little icons. I was thinking that I could just add this info into the init_item and then add some code to draw the icon sprite within the inventory menu, any reason this wouldn't work?

The code when a monster is caught should do basically what you want, then (find the first free slot in the party or box structure, and then copy the monster data from the enemy section to there).

And yeah, your line of thinking for item icons is exactly what I'd recommend! Just make sure to use a "scrollable sprite" type when coding the new menu element, so it fetches data relative to the current cursor position - basic "sprite" would essentially hard-code the sprite. (All the name strings in the inventory does this too)

(2 edits)

Awesome thank you. Another couple of questions:

1)  where is the flashing white cursor code located? I can't for the life of me find that. 

2) Is there a 'delete file' feature already created or any other save file management implemented aside from saving and loading? (like overwrite or multiple saves from the same file etc)

Also, if there is a better means for me to ask questions/seek support then let me know :)

Itchio messages are my preferred method of communication, it's nice when the questions (and answers!) are located next to the game for assets in particular and I check my messages at least once every day (unless something really serious gets in the way).

1) The flashing white rectangle that's overlayed on top of the highlighted menu option? It's in the script ggui_draw. It's actually drawing a rectangle with vector drawing instead of drawing an asset.

2) No. I'm kinda scared of implementing stuff like this because I always worry they'll go wrong and delete someone's progress, so I prefer leaving the responsibility to the player's operating system.


Okay that's great thanks for your responses! I'll continue working on my prototype and I'm sure I will be back soon with more questions 😅