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(2 edits) (+2)(-2)

Fantastic game, if i had some advice? more Customization on how the girls talk to you, maybe even going as far as to enslave them all, collars and such or could go the other way, make them very lovey dovey, i know that wont be easy, just a thought

Also more outfits, maybe like collared and covered in cum if they are slaves, or cutesey girly stuff if romantic...or both 

Also more shatterings would be nice

Also dont you stop til this game is done, i swear to god.


I sympathize with the last sentiment. It would be tragic for such a great game not to make it to "1.0" but I think it will reach that point and perhaps maybe even beyond.


Hey, thanks for the kind words! And have no fear, I intend to work on CK until it's finished and then immediately start work on the next game. I love what I do :)

As for your suggestions, unfortunately as a solo dev I have to be incredibly strict with my time management so a lot of things I'd love to do (more outfits, more customisable dialogue paths, more choice-based consequences) just aren't feasible. I do try to fit as much as I can in, though, and once the game is done I'll be taking two months to go over it, polishing, adding QoL changes and more events/choices/outfits/etc.

Hope you stick around to see what it's like when it's done!


Im well aware, and these are more food for thought than  things im demanding, one thing id recomend , though, is permant clothing changes, so lets say with Chloe, make her nude at all times in all dialog, unless scene specific.  I know thats a pretty big task but its somehting i believe needs to be done. That being said, you are the dev, you know whats best and what you are capable of doing, so please take everything i say with a puddle of salty liquid (lol).