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Interesting idea, but I think the phantoms are too powerful when they don't care about the walls but you do. Seems the best strategy is to not actually drop bombs and just try to outrun them instead.

Thank you. I will think about making the phantoms less powerful once the jam is over. The thing with it is finding the optimum path to utilize your bombs as much as possible while reaching the end.

What you could MAYBE do, while keeping up the phantoms-through-the-wall-mechanic is, that you test each frame each phantom if it currently is in collision with a wall… if it is, half its speed. then they get a bit slowed down while passing through solid stone, but still don’t have to obey the labyrinth paths.


That's a good idea! Thank you for the suggestion. It's my first game jam, so I was trying to just complete it in time.

(1 edit)

…and you can be proud of the results! It’s a hard challenge to create something in 3 hours - you need to focus extremely hard, every minute counts. Wasting only 2 minutes on something costs more than 1% of your total dev time. Join the Tri week by week whenever you have time at the weekend - you will be amazed how FAST you improve. Wait for the theme. Watch the voting - you can start thinking about it way before. Then sleep over it. Draw on paper, make a plan. When you think, you got it, boot the pc and set the keyboard on fire ;-) Ppl tend to underestimate how much time is saved, when they have a draft of the playing field drawn at a sheet of paper. You just “know” where to put which piece. no more thinking, just implementing.

Ok, thank you! I will follow that advice.