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A member registered Jul 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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(5 edits)


0.1.0: What the game was at the deadline. It was broken and could not be completed due to a bug with colliders. I'm leaving it up as, technically, it is the only valid submission.

0.1.1 was a private testing build, it included extra debug ui elements that were later removed.

0.1.2: The next public release, it has the same features, assets and level design as the original 0.1.0, but with the critical bugs fixed (unit and resource counts were going infinite due to a collider issue). Now you can actually complete the tutorial. The collider bug did not manifest in the editor, it was only happening in the build version, so I did not notice it until after the deadline. If I knew it was there, I would have fixed it instead of making the 2nd level or other features I did on Sunday night. I consider this a "fair" version, and I politely ask that you play and review my submission based on this.

ISSUES in 0.1.2:

Level 1: "Dusty Planet" exists, but I was not able to actually complete it due to poor level, in my defence I only finished making it a few minutes before the "original" midnight deadline (Dan extended it by 2 hours for "build time"), and I did not have time to playtest or balance it. Feel free to try it, but do not waste too much of your time. 

0.2.0 - Level 1 is now playable:

  • fix wording issues in the tutorial
  • make the pause menu functional (units stop moving, miners and factories stop producing)
  • completing the level launches the main menu
  • Level 1: Dusty planet can actually be completed
    • tweak resource production and outputs
    • flattening the ground
    • improve muli-agent and multi-resource management

0.3.0 - UI improvements:

I will have quite a bit of free time over the next couple of weeks, and really like this game concept so want to build on it. To facilitate that I had to redo some of the UI.

  1. The "3D" objects that were used for factory and unit UI have been replaced by actual tooltips
  2. The new tooltips have more user-friendly wording, and for the factories, the required resources are now fully shown instead of just showing the 1st missing resource
  3. The UI for the selected units and objectives has been improved, and will work on more resolutions
  4. As you play the game, each level is now timed from the start to launching the rocket.
  5. The pause menu screen has been re-worked
    1. Placeholder buttons for the 3rd and 4th levels have been added to  the menu screen (expect them over the holidays)
    2. Music and Sound effects volume sliders have been added (technically, they existed in v0.1.0, but they were hidden until now)
    3. Hover over a level you already played to see your best score
    4. Custom button textures, game logo and layout have been added

The embedded game is 0.3.0, to run the original download the relevant zip file.

(1 edit)

Issue solved, see changelog above

I've been made aware there is a game-breaking bug. The factory machine gets stuck in a "Interaction Start" state and counts to infinity instead of starting to work... this should not happen for 3 reasons:

  • The excavator has identical logic for this part, and it works fine
  • That state's only job is to take resources and pass on to "WORKING" or "INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES" there is no logic that would allow it to stay in that state.
  • This does not happen in the Editor. I've done a "Debug" build to check, no errors are even being thrown...

Very weird, but it is clear the game does not work. I will leave the submission in here, but I probably have to make a patched version Monday evening once I work out why there is this discrepancy in behaviour. I can't even blame myself for starting late on this one, there is no way I could have caught that before building which I never planned on doing before the final day of the jam.

Well, the list of topics is public and the rules say "Making everything from scratch is not mandatory, but if you do you get to be extra proud of yourself at the end!"

"Everything" includes the idea itself and after all, if after reading the topic list an idea pops into your head you (or anyone else) can't stop yourself from thinking about it.

Very nice idea!

Interesting idea, but the hitboxes are a bit inconsistent and I died in mid-air a couple of times. The audio is also way too LOUD.

Thank you for hosting the jam Dan! It was really nice getting back into games while not having the pressure of a 2-3 day jam.

Really interesting idea! Not sure if it was intentional, but because the map is rather small you can just go to the edge and shoot all around while managing how much you are getting hit yourself, I got 10 times as many points doing that as opposed to when I tried to stay in the middle.

Thank you! I did have a jump mechanic to start with, but I couldn't get the balancing right. Cause if you can jump up a level it would remove the need to switch colours and thus make it less of a puzzle challenge.

Interesting idea, but I think the phantoms are too powerful when they don't care about the walls but you do. Seems the best strategy is to not actually drop bombs and just try to outrun them instead.

Nice idea! I really like the graphics and a good choice of music as well. The only thing missing is loose or win condition cause it does get boring after a short while.

Really cool puzzle mechanic trying to get your jumps to a minimum. I got stuck on the level where there is a 45* ramp cause it is slightly misaligned with the floor after it. But a really cool game up until that point anyway.

While this is not the style of game I like to play usually, this is a really gone one! Amazing effort!

Things I'd do if I had more than 6 minutes left of the the 3-hour jam:

  • Sort the sprites so you can't see them clipping into each other and the player
  • Have a player sprite
  • Make the prisms bounce up and down
  • Have a pick-up sound
  • Have more levels
  • More colours - 3 just about does it to provide some interest, but I'd love to make it so that you "unlock" new colours as you pick up prisms/complete levels.

Things I would not do:

  • Backgrounds - anything but pure black would it not work with the "you only see one colour" mechanic

Thank you 😊 

I really wish I had another full day on this, to get the slimes a bit more personality with different preferences, so you would get a points bonus for giving them the correct ice cream and I wanted to make bigger/more levels. But now it is a few days later I actually feel pleased with what I've managed to put together.