So I got this one for judging, here are my thoughts:
-I like the idea of this game. Having to learn my skills as I play through it by absorbing them is an interesting idea.
-Looks like a little early grinding is needed. No problem, I got this.
-I saved up and bought the Chain mail. Now no goblins can hurt me!
-The slimes poison skill is annoying. At least antidotes are cheap.
-Wait, is this game horror or not? What is with that sudden past scene?
-Ok I'm stuck. I can't get past the don't let your past touch you as they are all perfectly in synch and I got to somehow go 6 tiles while they have a 5 tile zone to patrol. Crossing a 6 x 5 zone with them that in synch is really tough to do, may want to lower that a little. Or put a safe spot in the middle. As it is, I beat my head on that the rest of my judging time and never got past it.
Nice idea for a game, may need a small adjustment to some puzzles.