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Ramose Tsimbina

A member registered Mar 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing my game!

During the first week of development, I was thinking of adding multiple endings, but since I'm a solo dev and started to fall behind, adding that feature was going to be a pain in the ass xD Maybe one day after the jam ends, I'll add it—who knows. I’d like to expand the story and universe of the game, but only if it gets more attention. So, as you said, I hope more people will play it. I watched the playthrough *_* The random names for the chat still aren't working perfectly, but they work xD Anyway, thanks again for playing my game, I really appreciate it ❤
Desperate to boost her viewership, a struggling streamer buys a mystery box from the Shadow Web for a special Halloween unboxing stream. What starts as a clever stunt quickly unravels into a night of terror, as the contents of the box take her—and her audience—on a sinister journey she never saw coming.

"You have one task: kill the Lich!" - Unknown entity.

Kill the Lich is a 2D platform shooter where the main goal is to defeat the main boss, called the "Lich." Simple, right?


- A and D: Movements

- Aim + RMB: Dash (only while jumping)

- LMB: Shoot

This is my first game made in the Godot engine. Be gentle :3  

If the game gets attention, I might add more bosses, but for now, it's just the Lich's head.

Bro! The composition and the sound design are so well done. The "Two World" reminds me a bit of Mass Effect or some kind of space opera. Really great work! ❤

Oh! I really like the atmosphere. Your OSTs really transport me into some good old RPG horror games. You did a great job! ❤

Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it! ❤

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It is, hahaha! Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it! ❤

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The first OST is so peaceful; I could listen to it over and over again. The composition is well executed *_* The second OST is a real banger; it makes me want to fight Captain Hook in an epic battle, haha! You did a great job! ❤

Hehe, thanks. I really appreciate it! ❤

There are some quite nice OSTs. I think the other comments have already mentioned the piano's velocity and other details, but my suggestion is to take inspiration from other games, like Minecraft, since the OSTs are for a sandbox game. I hope my feedback helps :3 Anyway, you did a great job! ❤

Oh! Your OSTs are interesting. When I listen to them, I can't help but think of Crow Country. The composition is well crafted for a game like the one you described. Really great work!

The OST gives me some Sega console vibes, and I like it! Great work! ❤

Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it! ❤

P.S. It's an honor to receive a comment from you :3

Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it! ❤

I can hear the Doom vibe in 8-bit ❤ I've already seen someone mention the balancing, so I don't know what to add. Great work! ❤

How can I describe all of your OSTs... A-hem, HARDCORE!!!! xD A little Doom vibe here and some Cyberpunk there—just my cup of tea 😈 I really enjoyed your OSTs, great work! ❤

Oh! Don't make me blush xD Now you know I'm the metalhead guy, haha! Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it! ❤

I don't know why, but Wist chords remind me of my own OST, which is cool—I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought to make that. The composition is solid, and the space vibe you created is just awesome. Great work! ❤

H2Zone will be stuck in my mind for a while! I really like the town theme music you did; it reminds me of some Final Fantasy OSTs *_*  Don't get me wrong, I like the others too, but yeah :3 Great work! ❤

Oh my! The glitch effects mixed with the bubble sound in the background fit very well with the other instruments. And the vocal is just so nice to hear *_* Great work! ❤

Mind-blowing! Really great work! ❤

Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it! ❤

Haha! Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it! ❤

Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it! ❤

You're clapping when you feel happy, haha! Jokes aside, I thought it was funny to add it to make the OST more "joyful" :3 
Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it! ❤

Oh! Distortion? I didn't notice that, to be honest, while I was mixing the OST... Maybe my ears got tired. As for the melody, I was listening to a couple of Wild Arms soundtracks and was inspired by them :3
Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it! ❤

Not gonna lie, but "Revenge" caught me off guard! xD I like the others, don't get me wrong, but "Revenge" will be stuck in my ears for a while. You did a great job! 🤍

Thanks, I really appreciate it! ❤

P.S.: The cute theme was the goal all along after seeing the picture theme, haha!

Now that you mention it... I didn't notice that until now. Thanks for your feedback! I really appreciate it! ❤

Thanks, I really appreciate it! ❤

You nailed it! I really enjoyed listening to all the OSTs, but my favorite is Net Stroll. Great work! ❤

Bro... Bro, a creepy vibe mixed with a melancholy vibe, it's just "WOW" *_* You did a great job! ❤


Damn! All of your OSTs are masterpieces! I felt like I was traveling "inside your world" through your OSTs. Really a great work! ❤

Oh my, all your OSTs give me some serious RPG game vibes. I don't know what to say other than that you really did a great job!

I really like your OSTs, but my favorite is Sullied Dream (a real banger). The guitar tone for Sullied Dream is a bit weak for my liking, but it served its purpose throughout the OST. That's my only remark. Anyway, great work!

Hello there, folks!

It's not a game but this is my entry for the 7th OST Composing Jam. Try to imagine playing an RPG game where the protagonist arrives at her childhood village to celebrate the "Bubble Festival" and remembers all the good old days with her grandma during this festival.

It's very specific, I know, but I really wanted to capture that feeling to correlate with the picture theme for the jam. If you know me, I'm the metalhead guy, so it was difficult for me to create music in another genre, but hear me out! It's been a really good experience.

I hope you enjoy the OST!

Thanks 😀 I really appreciate it! ❤