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Thank you! For future readers, the slots are just over your shoulders about 4 inches to either side of your head. The lack of direction you experienced is sort of intentional. When you go spelunking, especially in not well documented caves, there is often nothing to guide you but your sense of exploration :). A thought I had while building the game was that you could place a marker of sorts and run your own guide rope as you explore the cave, much like in real caverns. Unfortunately I didn't have the time to implement something like that.  

I spent a good amount of time building the cave itself, I'm glad you like it! I had originally intended to make a system for procedurally generating cave systems (and still might, this game really peaked an interest in me personally) but I didn't have enough time to actually build that system out so luckily, I had planned for that to be an option and made large cave "segments" that could easily be attached to one another. That lead to being able to quickly build out massive cave structures while still being able to easily work within them to make a hand crafted environment.