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(1 edit)

Starting up the dialogue system. 

It's just an widget with an array in it with all the dialogue. Using the interact feature I made for the box push I have an event trigger that switches on int. Using this I can customise what is said and when. I'll have to make some kind of quest tracking game instance to keep all the Booleans at some point. But for this, it's fine. 

Oh also, the Pigeon Parcels owner. I'll name him Coolio (pronounced with the pigeon coo at the start).

Story wise, he will be sitting in Pigeon Parcels and when you go in to he'll give you the exotic parcels job. This will be the plot device for the game. Also who wouldn't want a job with exotic in the title.

Also, there is spelling mistakes in the above GIF I know. Cbf fixing them until I need to.

Also, also, I need to add eyes! that might be my next task.