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A member registered Jun 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Just fixed a vfx issue with the ship not destroying and becoming untextured

None, use and edit to your heart's content. If you want to mention me up to you. Although I'd love to see what you do with them

I did the same

pop! I shot the cylinder and then another one spawned in-between where I could shoot. Some say it's still there till this day 

Realistic, owned a arcade mall strip and only earnt $100

Got to the first door and was like, YESS! nope! It's hard but good

huh pnaaah!

I love how to cockpit of the ship is every 90s kid PC setup

I think so. My best strat is to just flail with the sword mid horde

Cool, I like that you can harpoon grab solid rocks. Got stuck behind the water at some point. consider locking axis? Otherwise chill and fun to play

Don't worry, figured it out. Tent. Got it. I got confused, thought there was a timer for some reason

How do I get score? I can't seem to get past the first level. There's no monsters after I throw the first one off the map

The controls! I was like, oh it's just number, cool. then there was letters, and I was darting all over my keyboard. Love to see this played with one of those 12 button mice

Thank you

Yup tappity tappity, I made it more clear in the menu that is how it works

This is cool, didn't make it onto the leaderboard though, I'll have to try again

it is. In real time haha

Working more on the combo system and the lock on, starting to feel like I want but not reliable enough. I'll continue working more on making sure that the results are the same every time. 

So added in the animation for the hop forward, it makes it a bit easier to navigate as you don't have to be right at the edge for the action to happen.

Although, some bug has occurred and I have no idea how to resolve it. Basically, if I don't run a separate enable input for whatever action (even though there is one anyways) the hop forward will not reenable it. I'll look more into it later, but for now it mostly works and I added the reset into the camera focus so can easily resolve on the fly.

Here is the current movement

So I messed around with the level a bit more but couldn't find an iteration I liked. I'll try again.

In the mean time, added in a little more movement to the character like a small hop forward that will detect if wall and go through standard movement or if a ledge is detected, a leap will occur

I also created a new costume for her that will change to the standard one once employed 

Created a camera reset system that locks the camera behind the player that brings the camera closer and fades in the aspect ratio. I'll work on targeting points of interest later but pretty happy with it for now.

Additionally, added in some post processing (it's hard to see because everything is grey) that adds a small amount of tilt shift, which blurs the top and bottom of the screen slightly.

I also added in level transition names, so when travelling to a new map, it will pop up with a little text at the bottom left of the screen with the map name.

To do now to fix this up is to create animations for the strafing and walking backwards.

Starting on the camera system, so for I have a reset to center the camera behind the player. Now to just finish it off.

Added in the remaining animations too

 - box pushing is back and vaulting

Additionally, added in an animation if the ledge is too high

(1 edit)

oh and added text that appears letter by letter


All I did was added eyes!

the end.

Just a little fix today.

Making the high jump animation jump to edge of the object interacting with

So far seems reliable and while it's not perfect. Better than floating in mid air or into the mesh.

Also changed the run animation slightly so her hand don't clip into her skirt.

Unreal Engine 4.25 and I use blender for the models and animations.

(1 edit)

Starting up the dialogue system. 

It's just an widget with an array in it with all the dialogue. Using the interact feature I made for the box push I have an event trigger that switches on int. Using this I can customise what is said and when. I'll have to make some kind of quest tracking game instance to keep all the Booleans at some point. But for this, it's fine. 

Oh also, the Pigeon Parcels owner. I'll name him Coolio (pronounced with the pigeon coo at the start).

Story wise, he will be sitting in Pigeon Parcels and when you go in to he'll give you the exotic parcels job. This will be the plot device for the game. Also who wouldn't want a job with exotic in the title.

Also, there is spelling mistakes in the above GIF I know. Cbf fixing them until I need to.

Also, also, I need to add eyes! that might be my next task.

(3 edits)


no eyes as they will be rendered in game. But all painted up given a basic walk animation. Rig will work work root motion too. All I have to do is make up the remaining anims and the camera system will work just better with this.

Also just a note on the model. One of the differences is that she now has human legs. The 'fox' legs were causing issues with animation and weren't serving any purpose. Also shoes 

re- modeled the main character 

had to at this point basically as changed all the anims to root motion which kind of stuffed it up. Lessons learnt

Less foxy now but more cartoony. Features have been exaggerated a bit and once textured shouldn't have nearly as many clipping issues as the previous model

This model is sitting at 2033 tris which puts her at double the previous model at 1011 tris. Not super happy about this as to be faithful to the aesthetic it would have had to been closer to around 750 tris. But hey this is my project and I can do what I want.

Some interactivity with the environment 

Can have sections as a 2D platformer now with the camera zooming out and tracking the player, still need to work on those animations, but functioning as is now

The camera will pan left right  overriding any other camera rules I have but will stay in axis, then return to normal.

Additionally, added in a pushable box that can be climbed on

currently can only push and have had some physics issues, will iron these out and will add being able to pull too eventually. 

An interaction system had to be implemented for this which I can use for a bunch of other things

Expanding the movement system with balancing on narrow ledges, swimming and shimmying along edges (no idea what this is called as I could not find any information on it).

Still have to smooth things out and make some more idle animations. I also want to make a sprint where she is running on all fours.

If I think of any more ways of traversal, I'd add them as I go.

Still need to make the over head check work so she doesn't jump into walls

Everything here is still pretty rough, but I'd say on the right track

Hi, thanks for the update. The cursor is excellent! love the lightning effect

Although, on the bugs side, the music volume resets on new level and the footstep noise loops when in menu if walking.
The football with the skulls is nice but I found that it blocked the exit on one occasion - possibly make them turn to dust (or other effect) after being kicked?

Thanks for playing and making a video,

If you have any feedback on how the game played that would be greatly appreciated

I noticed that it wasn't very clear where to go at the start. I'll make it a bit more noticeable.

If you'd like to try the other characters. I've added in a little easter egg to unlock everything. Just press the 'O' in Cessnock on the start page

Game link: https://alxinc.itch.io/cessnock

Windows executable (will need to unzip though) around 140mb

Title: Cessnock

3D roguelite

3 playable characters (If you'd like to unlock all characters for stream, at the start of the game on the main menu hit the 'O' in Cessnock and it will give you access to all the playable characters (heads up though, the dog is hard mode))

2 playable levels and a bonus unlimited mode

Suitable for all ages I'd say. Definitely PG-13

GMT+9:30 - South Australia

I am aware that the game still needs a lot of polish but any critique/feedback is welcome. Be as critical as you can be.

Thank you for your time

Cool idea, very Metroid or Axiom Verge vibes

Ran into a few bugs unfortunately, mostly to do with elevators and falling through the floor if they bonk you on the head.

Ran fine though and looked very good and level design was fun and intuitive

I really beat the goblin boss,

The upgrades feel impactful as going back to get all of them really made the difference. Was fun and enjoyable

The notice that I could go back and do that was helpful and reviving after a skirmish was unexpected but welcome. Fun little game 

Thanks for playing!

I'll take note and add some screen effects or a notification when health is low. 

If you'd like to try the rest of the characters, you can unlock everything by pressing the 'O' in Cessnock.

I need to add in more variance and I was thinking of adding bends and verticality but that will be something down the track.

I really do need to tune the feel of the characters and add in more animations and polish, eventually.

Again, thank you for playing and the feedback is appreciated  

Thanks for having a play

Movement speed is an easy fix, I'll look into it on the next update

Hi Zam,

Yes sorry, it's only for windows currently.

I don't have any functionality to export to Mac or WebGL

Additionally as I'm using a rather old version of UE4 any of the supported platforms provide me with a page not found on support.

I will maybe look into moving up to UE5 and supporting other platforms 

Sorry for the inconvenience