I have to say that this entire experience has been great for me.
Considering what I managed to hack together, in roughly 12 days of work (weekends, and some late nights) I am sure I will actually be doing more like it. Only, not with the RTP. ;)
I noticed that I somehow deleted the “Heals Ally” description from Uli’s Flash of Light spell… So, I don’t blame anyone for not realizing it was a Direct Heal spell. That’s a big mistake on my part.
The Cut Scene where everyone gets knocked down, was supposed to be a real spell that hurt them… So, you start the second fight, damaged. The actual script is dividing all their remaining HP by 50%.
I realize now, I should really do a better job of considering what’s possible, rather than focus on what’s probable. In the dozen or so times I ran that three-stage boss fight, I only ever lost a character once, which is why I added the KO recovery items. But I still failed to consider that some wouldn’t immediately appreciate the Aggro & Active-Defense skills I added. The boss battle becomes largely trivial with a tank and spank strategy. Especially when adding in Lili's damage shield, and the Draughts of Defoliation.
And yes… I have a rather large story planned for Uli and friends. Delila is actually just a supporting character in a much larger trilogy, but given the time constraints and the ‘Theme’ I went with her Druid ways, saving an ancient tree spirit, as a sort of Prequel. In hind sight, I really should have made LUG instead. (It’s a rather unique little creature story I’ve been toying with)
Rest assured, I will revise this little thing, and hopefully expand it. As a matter of fact, this contest has helped me realize how much I miss telling stories. So… There will be more to come.
The Regen, doesn't get removed on battle end. Casting it at any time will give the full effect. In or out of battle. I will be sure to add that note to the skill description!