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Super fun and as Davide sayed it is really addictive !

Clean gameplay and a high urge the clear the level and play the next.
Is there a level selection ? because I could not beat the one in the cornfield and would like to retry that later on.

Awesome job !


Ah, the cornfield! Just take a few tries to spot the direction where the target is, then is quite easy to make it in the next attempt ;)

Thank you for the kind words, since it is an arcade-ish game, we did not include level selection but it could be added as a feature in future updates! Noted, thank you😁


Ah alright, I tried scouting around by shooting it straight up, but I think you cant 360 the fist right ?
I will give it another attempt and try to finish it :)


you should be able to do a 360 on vertical axis no problem! Anyhow the target should be somewhere northwest of your initial position :)