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Thank you for the feedback :D

Totally agree on the font in those menus - it can certainly be hard to read. I want to find a simpler one that has a similar feel, but don't want to use the hand-scrawl that I have on the tutorial text boxes.

For the in game background, I also agree. Currently exploring some other, simpler options. It's not that I don't like it, but it feels weird next to everything else.

Someone else suggested crumbling dice, so you can only flip them x times before they burst. I think that would work pretty nicely.

For the stars - you get 1 for scoring anything at all correctly, 2 for getting half of the goals (rounded up) and 3 for being perfect. Currently you only need 1 star to unlock the next level, thinking through some options to change that. Might switch to requiring 2, or having a more fluid "x stars total to unlock this level"

The die that kept going is a good point. I have the spawners all disable on game over, but nothing stops an in-play die from continuing on to succeed or fail. Definitely something worth investigating - I might just have all the in-play dice de-spawn.

In the original version the dice spawning was slower in the barrel levels, but I thought it felt too easy haha. Will probably go back and tweak it some more.