Very, very nice game. On to the topics:
I find it really impressive, I love the tickets as buttons and how it all works together. The only points I got on this one are:
- In the settings menu, when seeing the cheats/interface, I thought the white font was a bit hard to see, maybe because it was smaller.
- I feel the background during gameplay doesn't blend in with the UI/3D elements. But I'm not sure what bothers me in it.
I really like the ones implemented, though I found the inverted dice harder than in the old version. But it might be because I was already used to the "sum to 7". Something I'd like to see, in levels ahead, was something tied to time. Like dice that turn around after x seconds or simply become disabled after an amount of time, so player can't get away with just swiping them up over and over.
Also, I really like the bombs now, they aren't so big and they always seem "swipable", instead of the angles they were thrown in the old version! I hit them twice in my run.
Player feedback
I felt like the dialogs before each stage were enough and it is easy to understand failure/success conditions. I just didn't get the logic of the star ratings, when I hit 3 correct out of 5 I still got 2 stars, does that mean as long as I get at least one I am passing? Also, something very minor I noticed, once the bomb exploded I had the retry menu showing up, but the dice that was rolling kept on going and entered the bucket, thus making the success sound effect. It's really no big deal, but maybe once the player loses you could stop the dice rolling or its sound effects?
I really liked the ramp on difficulty. It starts super easy but soon you need to be paying attention, and the inverted dice to me got quite challenging. In some of the later levels though, I think it became a bit overkill, perhaps you could start with stages that mix many ideas (buckets, bombs and 5 dice) with a slower dice spawn?
Would you play this if it were ad supported on mobile?
Not really as I ain't a mobile player.