looks like mana can't go below 10 .. and if you try, you loose the nut. bug? p.s. that run was a great deal of fun, please don't nerf tuskal, he's great for learning about the other guys!
Yep mana's current limit is 10, though I am still considering making that even higher. There could probably be a message when you hit the limit, or just return the food if you are at the limit. Also thats a really impressive win with only 2 monsters :D but also probably shows why Tusk is too strong lol
i got to fuse 2 smithed rares into him really early. that made it possible to try for a 2 monster win with super as a backup. if you nerf him, super will be get used like what? once? twice? per game. as is you can try to roll 2 monster combos that make it to lvl 2 and gamble on events. anyway, i don't think i could have done it without fusing a dmg and regen rare. also, yes, declining the food would be it :-)