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So art and animation looks great, and it definitely engages my inner skinner box.

Save system should def be high priority. In the warehouse where you can buy materials for others, hovering over the material should tell you what it is.

Also, I'm confused about what exploring the depths does? It seems like it should change the region which gives you different bonuses for what materials you collect, but I've dug down 1.5 km and I've never left shadowrim.

Also, initially getting metals is really slow. Or, really, it always is unless you get the pickaxe upgrades and actively mine. The machines that are in the background seem like they should be more efficient at getting materials than the pickaxe, but not only are they slow, you have to actively check them anyway to empty their inventories, which how fast they fill up appears to be random. It did help though at least that I realized that they stopped moving when they were full. Plus, it seems like they're always full of rocks anyway, even though I keep upgrading the head and have a +25% chance of metals and it didn't seem like I'm even getting less rocks instead of metals. So idk, if those things didn't get chock full of useless rocks or you could automate it so they empty themselves, they'd be a lot more useful. (because it's difficult for it to be an "idle" game if you've got to be really active to play it)

Also, I was confused by what inventar meant but then I realized it meant inventory.

I didn't encounter any bugs myself.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback.

Yes, save system will be my next priority.

The game still lacks information. I'll implement ingame a tutorial and more info for each content later. 

Yes, each zone gives bonuses. I've written down the depth of each zone in my last devlog. Shadowrim reaches until 2000 m:

I've already noticed the inefficiency of the machines. I'm also not satisfied yet how I calculated the randomness. But it is going in the right direction. The coding for that part becomes more systematic.

You're right. The game demands constant attention from the players. That shouldn't be...

It should be "inventory" instead of "inventar". My german slipped there. Sorry :D