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I've had a lot of fun playing this game and getting so attached to the little pixel cats. It can keep me entertained for hours and you should be proud of yourselves! I think three features/changes would make this game even more enjoyable and keep me playing for even longer.

1. The ability to give cats warrior names. Their prefixes can be generated, but I know that I'd become much more attached to these cats if I got to name them upon their becoming warriors.

2. A cat becoming injured due to an accident should not always immediately mean they have to retire.

3. The ability to choose what cat mentors which apprentice. Again, a great way to feel like you have a little more control over your clan and make it feel more personal and more yours.

Thank you again for making an awesome little game, keep up the good work! I can't wait to see where it goes in the future!

I really love your second idea ^^ 

It's a pity that for example deaf or blind cat immediately is moved to the elders den. I mean, if a cat was in a major accidant and received major injuries and is moved to the elders den then it's pretty understanable.

yeah, I had an apprentice and warrior retire because the lost a leg