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(5 edits)

"You just want other people to acknowledge your fetish despite their different preference". How did you come to this conclusion, im just saying it's widely accepted, no more than that.

I literally only said anal widely acceptable twice (it's even once at first), that's not over and over.

"Just because something is widely acceptly, doesn't mean it's accepted by everyone.". Yeah i know, i never said it's accepted by everyone didnt i? Widely isnt entirely, genius

Yeah im not the one you  talk to about the "too young" thing but doesnt mean i cant comment to that, that isnt how comment works, in comment were free to join in in any part

The user Manostion is also not the one you're talking to but you're fine with him replying.

Where's the real 'forcing" part of my comment then? Literally no forcing happening, im just saying thing twice and thats all

You said "It's clear that my comment already answered your comment indirectly," and "And if I remember correctly, you're not the one I talk to about the "too young" thing, but you commented to it anyway.". Kinda contradictive, im not the one that you talk to about so it's clear that your comment doesnt already answered my comment indirectly

Sorry for my bad english

What a waste of time. You're a persistent brat, you know?

You keep saying "anal is widely accepted" to a person that clearly hates anal. It's annoyingly disturbing. And you used my "too young" joke to further harass me, while it is clearly not meant for you. If it's not forcing of idea, then I don't know what it is.

You want me to reply to your comment specifically? What are you? A king? I'm not obliged to reply to your comment. Just because I didn't reply to your comment specifically doesn't mean I'm not responding you. By the time you commented, Manostion also commented beside you. I was thinking about replying to your comment, but since Manostion provided more detailed answer, I decided to reply to his comment, but the content includes response to your comment implicitly. It's funny that you cannot connect the dots.

Not a waste of time for me.

Saying "that" thing twice isnt keep saying.

Yeah the joke you made isnt meant for me but it doesnt mean i cant use it for other people, and i use it as a joke too just like you use it for him, not to harass you, such a sensitive person. The too young joke i made has nothing to do with "that", it's a stand alone, i made it because of the irony. So no it's not forcing of idea.

Im not obligated to do what you want too then, such as not forcing "that" thing. But dont worry im a kind person so i will oblige it.

Yeah i agree it's funny that i cannot connect the dots, i guess not all people in the world are as smart as you ;)