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A member registered May 30, 2020

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aww, that sucks. never play in android, but that sounds like pain.

Just finished chapter 1. Loving the game so far. I really like the concept of various fantasy races in IRL world countries.

Replaying to unlock the gallery is easy, just use the ctrl button to breeze through seen text.

Just finished episode 9. Cool game. The characters are so damn hot, and Emily is soooo cuuute, I love her.

Do I have to be a patron to join the discord server?

What a waste of time. You're a persistent brat, you know?

You keep saying "anal is widely accepted" to a person that clearly hates anal. It's annoyingly disturbing. And you used my "too young" joke to further harass me, while it is clearly not meant for you. If it's not forcing of idea, then I don't know what it is.

You want me to reply to your comment specifically? What are you? A king? I'm not obliged to reply to your comment. Just because I didn't reply to your comment specifically doesn't mean I'm not responding you. By the time you commented, Manostion also commented beside you. I was thinking about replying to your comment, but since Manostion provided more detailed answer, I decided to reply to his comment, but the content includes response to your comment implicitly. It's funny that you cannot connect the dots.

You just want other people to acknowledge your fetish despite their different preference. It's clear that my comment already answered your comment indirectly, if you use your head a little. Do I have to spell it out for you? By sensitive fetish, it means not everyone accepts that fetish, even some people are turned off by it. That's why I give suggestion to the game to give choices to do anal/s&m or not. Even some people here agree with my suggestion.

"Anal is widely accepted" bla bla bla... I already got the point, dude. Stop saying it over and over, please. It's not the most amazing thing in the world. Just because something is widely acceptly, doesn't mean it's accepted by everyone. It's called "preference", genius.

And if I remember correctly, you're not the one I talk to about the "too young" thing, but you commented to it anyway. Seems to me like you're the one that are looking for an argument.

Seriously, I came here to give suggestion to the game, but you keep attacking me, despite knowing that we have different preferences. For what? I'm sorry if you got irritated by this conversation. Please, just stop, dude. Give it a rest. You're embarrassing yourself.

The MC seems like a relaxed guy that is not bothered by his girls' past, so I guess he is cool with Thodora not telling him.

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I thought our conversation is over already. Couldn't you just accept that it's all about preference? Stop forcing your fetish upon others, while clearly not everyone accepts it.

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Just played the game to the point after saving Donna. The characters are cute, but I'm heartbroken to the fact that I couldn't save the other girl in the bus. *cry

It is a harem simulator.

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Then you're still too young to this world. There are more bizarre fetishes out there.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. What I wanted to say is that there are so many other strange fetishes beyond our imagination. Some people have feet fetish, others are attracted to hair. What next, fingernails?

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Putting a dick into a sh*t hole is... damn. No, thanks. It's a turn off. It's hard to believe it's widely accepted.

I guess it's just a matter of preference, and I'm definitely not into anal. I'll just stick to armpit, then. Not that I would go as far as putting a dick into it. I'm just attracted to it and it turns me on.

the latest version is v.15 for public and v.16 for patrons

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Do you even know what fetish mean? Fetish means a sexual interest towards a certain body part or thing. There are armpit fetish, thigh fetish, stockings fetish, swimsuit fetish, etc. that are mild and widely accepted, while some fetishes are only appeal to smaller number of people, and sometimes become turn offs towards others e.g. anal, urination, S&M, etc. On the other hand, vanilla is one of the many genres of H media, which means a simple consensual relationship between two people.

This is my type of entertainment. A casual renpy dating simulator with a straightforward purpose of building a harem. No heavy plot, no confusing conspiracy, only pure lovemaking. All the characters are attractive and have interesting stories, though one girl lacks more content (please make more Rachel content...). The downside is that some sensitive fetishes (anal, s&m, etc.) are unavoidable, and it'd be great to be given choices to avoid those in the next update.

This game is amazing. Cool character design, and the story is intriguing. I just love the badass female characters. Can't wait for the next update.

The discord link above doesn't seem to work, though.

Do you know how you can help Bella with her debt problem? Instead of giving her full payment, give her installments.

As for Alina, just follow her desires and you're on. Though her submission is just a roleplay.

I've been experimenting with the choices and found something. If I choose to screw around with Ana and ask James to back off of her, he will eventually ask whether he should pursue Rachel. Regardless of my answer, he never ends up with Rachel.

Can I actually make James end up with Rachel or not?

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I like this game. The absence of music/sound is a plus to me. The artwork is beautiful too.

I got the "stay virgin" route in my first run because I ignored some "visit..." choices, since I'm not perverted enough to take the chances to peep the girls, hence missing some important "flags".

I feel bad for pursuing the incest routes, though, especially Rachel's. She's so innocent that leading her on makes me feel quite guilty.

My favorite incest route is Bella's. I don't need to corrupt her to get her route. It feels natural that she is drawn to me after I help her. She is also cute when she shows her soft side. Oh man those longing blue eyes, shiny raven hair, and lovestruck expression I can't get enough of! And I think Bella's body suits my taste the most, of all the girls/women.

Finally I managed to solve Bella's problem without getting her incest route. I thought at first that helping her automatically gives me her incest route.

My favorite non-incest route is Alina's route, because I like Asians. She is also wildly submissive, which is hot.

I feel bad for James every time I take the non-incest route. He automatically cut ties with me because I'm not into incest.

I'm on my way to pursue the "mega-playboy" route.

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Aside from Alina, I think you can pursue submission route with Bella, but I've never tried it.

EDIT: I tried Bella's submissive route and IT IS HOT!!!