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Some of the platforming ideas were nice, like the growing circles but the actual physics of jumping was a bit annoying to be honest. As this is the main mechanic of a platformer it was frustrating. and after I had already collected two shapes and died, I quit. I wanted to finish it though because of the nice story intro, that was very well done. I was wondering what the outro part would be. Also because of the size of the level I felt a bit lost, it was also not visually clear what would hurt you and what would not or what was actually an item. Overall the presentation was very nice, but some polish on the gameplay and feel of the game would make the game a lot better => a typical jam entry ;) 

What parts of the jumping were annoying?  I play my games too much and get used to bad controls but seemed a lot of people actually enjoyed the controls for this game.  The Outro is very simple, the villain mixes the three ingredients together to form a potion, your sister drinks it, is healed, and you are thankful to the creature.