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(1 edit)

One possible solution for the mertail issue could be something along the lines of other fantasy works, where the tail divides and becomes actual legs when dry. I seem to recall a movie using this trick when dealing with mermaids, but I can't for the life of me remember the title.

EDIT: I know that this would potentially mean two separate character models to deal with in regards to a mermaid character. Another option is to simply have her legs covered in scales with small wing type fins protruding from the sides of her thighs or calves, but I don't know how your modeling software would like this idea.

Oh I have no problem with multiple models for a character. There's one in the game that has 5 models, as she transforms in stages. Thing is, we're toying with the idea that she can't breathe air, which creates kind of an exotic boundary between her and the MC.

I've never heard of that restriction for mermaids. What source material are you using that imposes that restriction, I'm curious.

Well, the character in question isn't quite a mermaid, but instead a Naiad. I was considering an Undine, but I settled on Naiadbecause they're not nearly so common as merfolk.

Oh, that makes more sense. The original post said mermaid, so that is the part my brain was focusing on. It does make a bit of sense now that you have clarified that it will not be a traditional mermaid, and I wish you luck on figuring out a solution.